Monday 7 May 2018

66 zelda breath of the wild - remembering princess zelda at tena ko'sah shrine

Dear Readers,

Before going into Tena Ko'sah Shrine, I warped back to the stable nearby to cook some Simmered Fruit dishes.

I also cooked an elixir for the first time! I combined Restless Cricket with Bokoblin Guts to make an Energising Elixir. Stamina's kinda important after all and I ate nearly all my stamina restoring food in trying to climb up the cliff here. Might as well have something that just has the job of restoring stamina so I don't waste anything.

I warped back to the shrine and started "A Major Test Of Strength". Another combat trial... Yikes...

#133 Guardian Scout IV

Umm... NOPE! I couldn't even beat Guardian Scout III that other time! This one had three blades. I chickened out and warped back outside!

I looked around the area some more for any shiny recall spot. I climbed to the tops of pillars and glided between them in order to stay out of sight of the Black Moblins. I didn't find anything though. Just when I was about to give up hope, I spotted the shiny spot a little ways outside the shrine! I recalled another memory...

...Princess Zelda stood in front of this same shrine and tried to activate it with her Sheikah Slate, but it wouldn't work and the shrine remained shut. She muttered to herself that it could possibly only work for a certain someone, though I'm not sure if she was referring to me or if she knew it was me at that point. Just then, I arrived on the scene with my horse. Zelda got annoyed and gave out to me for not leaving her alone and told me to stop following her, even though the king wanted me to be her escort...

That was the memory. I finally have the third photograph remembered now :) Woo!

Also, can you imagine if it did work and she met the Guardian Scout IV?! Yikes!

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