Wednesday 23 May 2018

82 zelda breath of the wild - heavy metal at ka'o makagh shrine

Dear Readers,

I started the "Metal Doors Open The Way" trial at Ka'o Makagh Shrine.

I was greeted with a big metal door. I opened it with Magnesis.

Beyond was a tiny Bomberman-like maze. I could see an enemy life bar beyond them though! I used my sensor to find out it was a Guardian Scout II. I sneaked up on it but couldn't do a sneak strike. Ah well.

#130 Guardian Scout I

I finally got to take a picture of the first model of the Guardian Scout! This one only crawls around shooting a laser without wielding anything.

There was a Traveller's Bow in the chest beyond the next set of metal doors. I just left it in there.

I blew up the cracked blocks with bombs to free up the metal door so I could carry it around with Magnesis. I used it to get on top of the higher platforms and bridge to the other platforms. I knocked some stone blocks out of the way to get an Opal from a chest on top of them. After this I bridged up to the monk for the Spirit Orb.

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