Thursday 17 May 2018

76 zelda breath of the wild - mingling in lurelin village at the seaside for more subquests

Dear Readers,

I rescued the REAL Letty who was having trouble with a Blue Bokoblin. She gave me a Mighty Copious Simmered Fruit as a reward :)

She also said she was thinking of going south to Lover's Pond to maybe find a partner if she was lucky.

A man named Regan was here too. He wanted to find a new life away from his village, away from fishing to find another career.

I continued along this path to Lurelin Village, a town on the coast, which had its own music! Bring in some gentle steel drums :)

#245 Boat Oar
#062 Hearty Blueshell Snail
#063 Razorclaw Crab
#064 Ironshell Crab
#163 Palm Fruit
#082 Hearty Lizard

Lots of stuff to see here on the beach already :)

A man named Numar told me more about Lover's Pond on Tuft Mountain. I should tell that guy on Ebon Mountain about this place! It's what he was looking for after all! He also said he got into gambling and asked for a loan of some money, 100 rupees to be exact. I turned him down.

Yah Rin Shrine was here too. I activated it as a warp point. I'll explore it later.

This village was really lovely, at least when the sun was setting. Not so much when it rained the next morning. Flavi, a Gerudo, was complaining about it and said it never rains in the desert where she comes from. She wanted to go to Eventide Island but said she needed wings to get there.

An old man named Rozel welcomed me to the village. He said he was the head of the village and talked about his daughter who got married and moved to Hateno Village. He wondered how she was doing. I knew he was talking about Ralera so I told him that she was doing well. He offered information about local things. I asked him about the village itself. He just said it was a fishing village and that it had a gambling game.

By the way, seaside villages in real life all have gambling games now. I miss arcade games :(

I asked Rozel about the ocean and he told me about sunken treasure. He gave me a clue which read "The treasure sleeps in the centre of the golden triangle.", which sounds like the Triforce. He also said I could borrow his boat :) woo! I'll do that sometime when it's not raining. It came up as the subquest "Sunken Treasure".

I asked Rozel about Eventide Island. He said the fisherman avoid that place because of legends and mysterious voices that can be heard. I asked him about ruins. He said Palmorae Beach to the east had some ruins and that Garini goes there often.

I chatted with a kid named Kinov. He was hoping to have seafood paella for dinner. His mother was Kiana. She was short on ingredients for the dish and needed goat butter and a Hearty Blueshell Snail. She was busy with housework so I obliged to get the ingredients for her. Her other son was named Zuta.

#059 Mighty Porgy
#060 Armoured Porgy

A lady named Mubs ran a shop here on the pier. Chessica ran a little hostel. A man named Sebasto was worried about monsters invading Aris Beach, a good fishing spot. I said I'd take care of them and the subquest came up as "Take Back The Sea".

When Letty arrived here she was in a grouchy mood! Maybe I was safer with the fake Yiga Letty :)

I met Cloyne at his gambling place. He asked how would I like to make some money without having to work for it. Yikes! Sounds like Bitcoin or something :P He said that I could wager as much as I'd like to risk opening one out of three treasure chests. He said other stuff like "a man like you must have expenses" and that "Lady Luck has no time for a man who won't take any chances" when I turned down the offer. Not really into gambling!

I warped to Kakariko Village to buy some Goat Butter. Then I warped to Hateno to catch up with Ralera. She didn't have anything extra to say. I went to see Mimos on Ebon Mountain. He didn't have anything extra to say either! Maybe I should go to this "Lover's Pond" myself first. the pond here is shaped like a broken heart after all.

I warped back to Lurelin Village and gave Kiana the ingredients. She gave me 50 rupees and a Seafood Paella. It restores like 12 hearts! Wow!

Zuta took me to see the ruins. It was a bit far from the village for such a small kid to go but he took me there. They looked like the same ones at Kakariko Village near the Fairy Fountain. Garini was here. He was observing the stone monument and said this place had a very spiritual aura. I offered to help and he said that fragments of the monument were scattered around and glowed at night. He wanted pictures of the other pieces. This came up as a shrine quest titled "A Fragmented Monument". He said the other pieces glowed at night and that there was one right around here. I'll do this later.

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