Sunday 6 May 2018

65 zelda breath of the wild - stamina demanding climb on the cliffs beyond tabantha great bridge

Dear Readers,

I left Tabantha Bridge Stable and crossed the Tabantha Great Bridge.

#150 Dinraal

In the distance from the bridge I spotted a long reddish moving trail. Turns out it's a massive dragon! Wow! Might see more of it later :)

The bridge itself was wooden and sturdy and quite big and long, but it had some chunks taken out of the sides so it was kinda worn at the same time. When I got to the other side I spotted Dinraal flying up into the sky. It was pretty cool. What wasn't so cool was a Guardian Skywatcher flying around the cliff I wanted to climb :(

#021 Maraudo Wolf

This creature came at me howling and attacking too. It didn't do too much damage thankfully and I was able to take it down with an arrow between the eyes.

#192 Swift Violet

I was able to walk along the edge of the cliff and reach the other cliff without getting spotted by the Guardian. I grabbed this flower that was growing on the cliffside.

I climbed up this very steep cliff. There were some points that seemed less steep but I didn't want to chance resting on them. I ended up eating tons of my stamina replenishing food but I finally got up there and reached Tena Ko'sah Shrine! Woo :)

#110 Black Moblin

Yet another variation of these huge creatures were up here too. Yeesh.

#071 Cold Darner

Got a chance to take a pic of this bug too.

This was definitely the place shown in the photograph, but I didn't see any shining spot anywhere. Then again, the shrine looked very different now too. It was less buried in the ground than shown in the photograph. Maybe there are answers within the shrine itself...

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