Monday 28 May 2018

87 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at kara kara bazaar with the friendly gerudos. sav'saaba!

Dear Readers,

While at Kara Kara Bazaar I hung out with the Gerudos for a while.

#296 Gerudo Spear

I beheld another tall structure. This was a different kind of being though. It was a Gerudo and she was holding this spear. Before I went to chat with her I met another Gerudo named Calisa. She greeted me with a friendly "Sav'saaba". That's their greeting here :) She said she was a famed long-running treasure hunter. That's cool :)

#363 Gerudo Shield
#211 Gerudo Scimitar

Calisa was carrying these on her back. I promise I wasn't just trying to get photos of her :)

I got closer to the oasis and it came to be known as Kara Kara Bazaar. It had general stores and an inn.

I chatted with another lady named Lukan. She said she was a Gerudo Soldier in disguise and told me about the Yiga problem in Gerudo Town.

I finally chatted with the statuesque spear-wielding Ripp. She greeted me and told me I could stay here and rest but not at Gerudo town because I'm a "voe", their word for males. She said it was a vibrant town famous for trade and being active all night but voes aren't allowed. She was surprised I didn't know about Divine Beast Vah Naboris. It's supposedly a guardian for the Gerudos but it just stomps around on its own. She was keeping an eye out in case it came near this place. She also advised me on how harsh the desert heat can be during the day and how cold it can get at night, but that I was safe here. Good to know!

Maike ran a food stall. She tried using my local greetings and telling me what hers are. For example "Welcome" is "Vasaaq". She said her sister is a butcher in Gerudo Town, that is if I was allowed there.

There was a man sitting on a raised platform named Nobiro. It was night so he was sleeping. He muttered about hoping to see the sandstorm stopping.

A man named Robsten talked about travelling to Gerudo Town to sell goods, but he was stopped. He was part of a caravan and his leader went to go and negotiate entry.

#166 Hydromelon

An older Gerudo named Emri was selling fruit like these. She said it's important to have cooling cooking for journeys in the desert.

Another travelling merchant named Gartan was pretty happy to be here chatting with the lovely Gerudos. He said it was important to make friends for his business and he was very passionate about selling apples!

Rhondson was snoozing peacefully under her tent shelter thing.

A Rito named Guy was snoozing next to the oasis. He said he came from Rito Village on the Tabantha Frontier. I've been to Tabantha but not the village yet. He said he wanted to venture out and make some money but he had a hard time with the heat here. He heard of heat resisting elixirs by using monster parts and insects with cooling effects. I'll be doing that soon no doubt! He himself couldn't find a place that was selling them and he wasn't keen on going to the colder parts of this region to find these bugs because the monsters there were very tough. It was tough alright going to the Wasteland Tower, but there are lots of cold effect bugs there! This came up as the subquest "An Ice Guy". Nice pun :) to make matters worse, he found it scary at night so he stays here. I had the ingredients so I made a Chilly Elixir for him on a cooking pot nearby, using a Keese Wing and a Cold Darner. 3 minutes and 40 seconds seems like a good deal for an elixir I guess. I gave it to him and he gave me 50 rupees :) "sarqso" he said, which was Gerudo for "thank you". Good of him to learn the local language for business :) he mentioned he had a child as well.

#346 Ice Arrow

There was a building here and I went inside. Shaillu ran a shop that sold arrows. I was glad to finally identify ice ones! Further inside, Konora was walking around. She was stuck here because of the Divine Beast with its sandstorms and lightning making it dangerous. Kachoo ran an inn in this building and wasn't happy with the Divine Beast making them lose so much business. I saw a recipe on the wall. I might make something with it sometime.

#247 Double Axe

I spotted this leaning against a tree.

Morning rose so I chatted to Rhondson when she woke up. She was looking for the love of her life and was trying to figure out what voe wanted. She said she had mastered tailoring. I chatted with Nobiro too, who was now awake. He said there was a treasure hidden in the sandstorm to the north in the Great Cliffs area and he was waiting for it to stop. This came up as a Shrine Quest, so I guess I don't have to worry about him nabbing it for now :) Guy greeted me good morning or "sav'otta" in Gerudo.

There was a treasure chest in the oasis so I pulled it out. 100 rupees :) Another one behind the building for 50 rupees :)

A Gerudo named Kyra got all nervous when chatting to me because I was a voe. She used some kind of pick-up line on me :) gosh that was so adorable! I had a choice to say either "You're my dream girl!" or "Just a guy takin' a walk." I actually looked this up and both responses end badly. Shucks!

A Goron named Strade was sitting by the oasis as well. He was watching the same sandstorm Nobiro was. The view changed and I could see a Sheikah Tower in that direction! He wanted to visit it too and heard that the storm clears for a few hours each day, but he's never seen this happen. I must keep this in mind...

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