Saturday 26 May 2018

85 zelda breath of the wild - climbing wasteland tower and mapping out the gerudo region

Dear Readers,

There were no enemies at the tower in this desert region, but there was some muddy non-evil goop, some stone pillars and metal crates. Hmm... puzzle time I think.

There were Cold Darners and Winterwing Butterflies here too. I guess this is a good place to find them. There was a chest deep in the mud too with a Sapphire.

It wasn't too much of a puzzle. I just had to stack enough metal crates near the tower to get some good height. I also used Magnesis to swing one of the crates into the domino-like stone slabs that toppled against the tower and made some handy platforms. Then it was just a matter of gliding to them from on top of the metal crate stack I had built. Plain climbing then to the top of the tower!

When I got up here it was nighttime and I had to wear my Warm Doublet. I activated the Wasteland Tower and the Gerudo region was mapped out! Woo!

Very interesting region! There were the mountains where I was and the wide open desert further to the southwest. I saw what looked like a gigantic metal bactrian camel stomping around in the desert and it looked like it was kicking up a load of sand doing it. One of the Divine Beasts no doubt :)

There's also what looked almost exactly like the scene in the fourth photograph memory! Palm trees, some water and a stone structure with the same colour drapes hanging from it. Now that I look at the photograph again, that must be the Divine Beast in the distant background. Will investigate this area next time!

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