Wednesday 9 May 2018

68 zelda breath of the wild - climbing the goopy tabantha tower

Dear Readers,

I told Toren I made his offering to the Great Fairy. He was happy but didn't give me any reward. Sho said Pikango painted a picture of a bug for her. That's nice :)

I warped back to Tena Ko'sah Shrine and tried to climb Tabantha Tower again. It was impassable due to the weird goop. I examined every pillar in the area and noticed that the tallest one had what looked like an eyeball at the base. I shot it with an arrow, which made some goop vanish and made the pillar fall over against the tower. This enabled me to climb to the top of the tower and avoid the rest of the goop! :)

It was night when I climbed the tower. The temperature dropped low enough that I had to put on something warmer! I didn't meet anyone at the top, but I had now mapped out the Tabantha Frontier! Woo! :)

The Tabantha Frontier was quite mountainous and rocky. That big weird flying thing was much closer here too than anywhere else. I'm glad I didn't have too much trouble with the enemy camps below :) It was just the goop really.

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