Tuesday 15 May 2018

74 zelda breath of the wild - why lightning keeps striking the lakeside stable

Dear Readers,

I checked out Shai Utoh Shrine near the Lakeside Stable. "Halt The Tilt" was the name of the trial.

It was a very short and easy trial with no other obstacles but see-saws to freeze in time with Stasis, but the final obstacle was impassible! It was two see-saws in a row and I could only freeze one at a time! I had to leave. There was a Traveller's Sword in one of the chests. I'll come back later to finish the trial.

I found out why lightning kept striking the Lakeside Stable! There was a Woodcutter's Axe stuck on top of the dragon head structure on the roof and it acted as a lightning rod! I had a bit of trouble climbing up there but I got it! I told Cima about it and she gave me a Rubber Helm! Woo! Shock resistance :D It's a bit weird how the description said rubber was a material that could no longer be found. Must be from before the Great Calamity.

Cima's smiling face reminds me of Marina from Splatoon 2. It's the exact same expression! She told me that Lake Floria has 10 waterfalls, all worth checking out. I will in time. She can rest easy now at least :)

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