Monday 14 May 2018

73 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at lakeside stable, how to make physical geography more exciting

Dear Readers,

It was thundering rain so I decided to hang out at the Lakeside Stable for a while.

An older man named Shay stood at the door. He talked about the legend of a dragon god and that its angry ranting was causing the thunder. A girl named Cima was cowering in fear in the corner. She said lightning struck this stable all the time and begged me to find out why it keeps happening. I said I would and it came up as a side quest.

On a table there was "Rumour Mill: Volume 6". Looks like I missed out on a few volumes! This one talked about Blupees. Traysi the writer gave it five stars until they realised they didn't know how to use a bow and arrow, so they just gave it one star :)

A man named Kampo was out in the storm gazing at Lake Floria's water, admiring it. He said there was something strange about the top of the waterfall and said that I could see it on top of the watchtower next to him with a telescope. I climbed up there and took a look. Didn't see anything particularly strange apart from a mound of some kind.

A lady named Letty was passionate about recipes. There was some kind of recipe pictured on the wall alright... Afterwards she left for the nearby village. Shay told more dragon tales, how Duelling Peaks was just one mountain before a dragon split it in two to forge a way through. Interesting :) Physical Geography is pretty fun when you attach stories like this to it!

With the sensor I found Shai Utoh Shrine nearby, behind a cracked wall. Handy save point! Mighty Bananas grow wild here as well which is cool. I'll check out this shrine next time :)

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