Thursday 31 December 2020

181 ace attorney 6 - summoned by queen ga'ran

Dear Readers,

I was now Phoenix Wright again! I was at Tehm'pul Temple with Edgeworth. I was glad he was here with us to help gain access to the investigation. Poor Maya still hadn't woken up.

Edgeworth gave me some of the evidence I got when I was playing as Apollo in the previous scene, that being the autopsy report, the crime photo and the tomb diagram.

Someone approached us, a member of Queen Ga'ran's royal guard. He introduced himself as Lah'kee (heh... lackey) the royal shoulder rubber. He asked me if I would comply with the queen's request to be brought before her. Edgeworth advised me to accept and asked if he could come with me. Lah'kee said his request was foreseen and granted by the queen. He shouted her praises dramatically and said she could see our every move and could sense everything thousands of miles away. We quickly accepted, for the sake of our hearing if nothing else.

Poor Edgeworth got an awful land when I told him there were no beds or showers in our temple accommodation. He implored me to bring this trial to a swift resolution.

Edgeworth asked me what I wanted to do and I said I wanted to help Apollo by gathering whatever information we could for him. Edgeworth said I was a considerate boss.

We went with Lah'kee to the royal audience chamber. A dramatic anime camera sweep showed the members of the queen's guard lined up on the way to the throne where she sat. Princess Rayfa was here too. 

The queen welcomed us both. She said I left a lot of destruction in the court with my tricks. I wondered if that was what people were saying about me. Edgeworth gave out to me to show respect.

She was showing plenty of respect for him as he was a chief prosecutor, but she called me "Barbed One" and "Barbed Head", just like Rayfa was doing all along.

Rayfa didn't look good. I guess she wouldn't since her father was just murdered.

Wednesday 30 December 2020

180 ace attorney 6 - nahyuta on family and the law

Dear Readers,

Athena and I caught up with Nahyuta in the palace outside the tomb. He was pretty unwilling to hear me out but I was desperate to speak with him.

I showed him my badge and talked about how when we were kids we talked about me becoming a lawyer and him becoming a prosecutor.

He said Queen Ga'ran personally requested him to prosecute this case. I asked him if he really wanted to do this to his own father and he said he didn't deny love and sentiment, but the law was the law. He asked me if I disagreed, to which I said no but... and then he said that civilizations only existed due to the confines of the law. He said the law must be obeyed and the truth sat above all else, including personal feelings. He asked me if I disagreed.

I agreed hesitatingly and I was struggling a bit. Athena encouraged me and I asked him didn't he wish it wasn't that way. He had a dismissive comeback full of pretty words but I knew he was trying to cover something up.

I asked him about Inga, who threatened Dhurke with someone he had in the palm of his hand that he was using as leverage. Nahyuta said that was news to him. I told him how the conversation on the phone went and I had the impression that Dhurke had no choice but to follow Inga's demands after that. I put the question to him, who did he think that person special to Dhurke was? He said he wouldn't know.

Finally, something happened. My bracelet reacted to what he said! I was about to call him out on this but then he did one of his voiced prayer things and this made my bracelet tighten so much it was crushing my wrist! I asked him what was going on and he said he was wise to my tricks. He said my bracelet tightened in reaction to people keeping things from me and he was able to tighten it any time he wanted, rendering it useless?


I thought from Ace Attorney 4 the bracelet was just a bracelet and it was my own body that reacted? The bracelet was just perfectly sized for a way for me to pick up on it?

Anyway, Nahyuta told me to grow up, calling me Mr. Justice and it was childish of me to take on this case that was unwinnable for me. I told him not to be so sure, as I actually beat Phoenix in a case! He was very surprised at this, but I couldn't tell if he was mad or not.

He warned me about meeting my end as a criminal due to the DC act and I said I didn't care. He called me a fool and said he was going to prosecute with all his might before walking away.

I wondered if he really was going to send Dhurke to his death... if he really had changed...

Tuesday 29 December 2020

179 ace attorney 6 - investigating amara's tomb with ema

Dear Readers,

Athena and I left the detention centre to go investigate. We started at the palace of royal residence and looked around the beautiful surroundings. Athena had some fun facts about the tomb construction and we observed Inga's footprints he left when he set off toward the tomb.

Then we headed for Amara's Tomb itself. We met Ema there, which was nice! She said I was as much of a trouble magnet as Phoenix was. Athena told Ema that Nahyuta seemed to have taken a liking to her. Ema immediately started munching on Snackoos, saying she was okay with him approving her abilities but his people skills needed some serious work. She babbled about being run ragged with work, which she was thankful for but it was taking its toll and she knew the defendant in this case and everything... she ended with a lot of munching.

I asked about the incident. Ema gave me the autopsy report and said there weren't any other suspects here. Everything was secure and sealed off too, which wasn't helping. We discussed Inga and his kidnapping of Maya. Ema said she was kept here for six days and was very weak by the time she was set free. She was at the hospital now on an IV Drip, the poor woman... She's been asleep ever since too.

Ema gave us a diagram of the tomb. She also said this wasn't only Amara's resting place, but also the place where she lived when she died in the fire. The tomb was built after her residence burned down.

She also said to let her do the forensics we needed and not keep all the fun to ourselves. I didn't exactly think that the investigation was fun, but I was glad we had the approval to do it.

It's fun to me as the player of course!

the first thing we examined was the sarcophagus. It had curtains and housed the mummified body of the old queen. Ema told us not to interfere with it for fears of being cursed! She said the old queen probably had a grudge against the living after experiencing such a painful death. She also said it was temperature controlled, so if anyone were to hide inside it they would eventually freeze to death.

We found Inga's button, a gemstone in the ashes of the tomb's incense burners. It was caked in soot. We looked at his body outline, which was behind the sarcophagus. Ema showed us a photo of when his body laid there. The knife had Dhurke's fingerprints on it, but also another set of fingerprints that weren't identifiable. Inga was holding a mobile phone and a four-shot gun, which was broken and only had one bullet stuck in it. Strange.

Some pretty entertaining dialogue sprung up from observing the bottle of "grape juice" here and how it couldn't be the "fermented variety". It belonged to Inga.

The paintings on the wall depicted the late queen channelling a late sultan of another country, her assassination and a very evilly depicted Dhurke getting punished in the afterlife. Yikes.

We sussed a possible hiding place in the curtains but Ema burst our bubble. Aw!

We examined the chair Maya was tied to and found some blood on one of the chair legs. Then we used Ema's luminol spray and found drops of blood on the floor trailing all the way to the sarcophagus. We asked her if it was Inga's blood and she didn't get a match. Dhurke and Maya weren't bleeding at any stage, so this was a complete mystery.

We then looked at the other paintings on the opposite wall, which we were supposed to see first since they depicted Amara's earlier life, looking very divine up until the point with Dhurke, who was depicted with horns. Yeesh.

One of the many statues on the sides of the room was broken. There was a bloodstained pendant around here. Unknown fingerprints but blood was Inga's according to Ema. A bullet from Inga's gun was here too. There were two magatamas here as well, even though the other statues only had one each.

That was everything to investigate. We went over the facts in our minds and things couldn't look worse for us... Then Ema asked us to leave if we were finished, saying it was easier if "His Ephemeral Holiness" didn't see us here.

Himself appeared just then, that being Nahyuta of course. He said he hoped Ema was keeping an eye on us to which she cheerfully said she was. He was still very distrustful. I asked Nahyuta again if he really believed Dhurke was guilty and was he really going to prosecute his own father. He was once a Defiant Dragon himself after all.

He didn't answer and left the scene. Athena and I went after him.

Monday 28 December 2020

178 ace attorney 6 - brief reunion with nahyuta

Dear Readers,

Athena and I went to see Dhurke at the detention centre after he got arrested.

I showed him my badge and he said he was proud of me after seeing me in action. I really appreciate that.

I asked him what happened in the tomb and asked if he really killed Inga or not. He said he didn't know properly... Why do I keep hearing that from people lately? Anyway, he continued, saying he got dizzy immediately after seeing the mural of the founder on entering the tomb. The next thing he knew was that he was in the state he was in when we found him, knife in hand, covered in Inga's blood. He didn't remember meeting Inga or anything else!

He said there was no getting out of this one and I said not to give up! He laughed, saying he was only joking. I gave out to him which startled him a bit. I was annoyed at how easygoing he was, even when he was being arrested.

He did say then that this was going to be a tough case. He was being charged with Inga's murder as well as Amara's assassination from twenty-three years ago. He joked about not losing our heads and I got serious again. He said he took it that I was going to defend him and I said of course I was. He was delighted, saying my nerves were as steely as my vocal chords! Of course, there was the DC act to deal with as well.

Athena didn't know about what happened to Queen Amara so we went on to that topic. Dhurke said someone set her private residence on fire. Athena asked him why he was arrested as he was a lawyer back then.

Dhurke then dropped a bombshell, revealing that Amara was his wife. Athena was hugely surprised and impressed that he won the heart of a queen and he laughed it off, saying he honed his winning skill and glare against witnesses! I asked him if a verdict was reached and he said he represented himself and won, but he was then accused of fabricating evidence. It turned out badly then.

This reminded me of what happened to Phoenix in Ace Attorney 4.

Athena asked him what happened after that and he said he made a run for it. She asked why and he said he didn't kill Amara and he didn't fabricate evidence, but if he stuck around for retrial, he'd be found guilty for sure. He said he couldn't let that happen because the true killer would never face justice if he did. 

He smiled again and said he left his law practice behind and went underground. After all these years he still hadn't discovered the truth. Tough break too, considering that it was a fire and it left little evidence.

I felt sick, considering I had to solve not only that case, but the one now too. He gave me some words of encouragement, telling me not to look so down and that with me on the case, it'd work out somehow.

Dhurke told me his file on that old case was at his old office, asking me if I remembered how to get there. I remembered the manhole and the dimly lit room alright. It was the same way Phoenix got there too!

I showed Dhurke the photo of my father and he said to take care of it as it was the last remaining photo of him. He said he went to a lot of trouble tracking it down to some European tourist who had taken the photo. I was moved.

I discussed the orb with him and he said there was more to it than what we had been dealing with until now, much more. He implored me not to let it fall into Queen Ga'ran's hands.

Just then, Nahyuta showed up! It was revealed that he was the prosecutor! Dhurke greeted him, saying long time no see. He asked him what happened to the dream of taking the queen down and changing the country. Nahyuta paused thoughtfully before saying the past was the past. Dhurke asked him what he meant and why was he doing this? Nahyuta said people change and that the Nahyuta he knew was no more. Dhurke said he didn't know what made Nahyuta change like this, but he was still his boy, even if he prosecuted his case. He said this with a proud father's smile. He said the Defiant Dragons eagerly awaited his return and he was welcome back with open arms whenever he was ready.

Nahyuta was visibly affected by this. I knew it and I had the feeling he wanted to say something, but couldn't. He went away and commanded the guard to take Dhurke for questioning, who handled him roughly.

Sunday 27 December 2020

177 ace attorney 6 - leaving phoenix and edgeworth to go see dhurke

Dear Readers,

Edgeworth arrived and told us Dhurke was officially charged with the murder of Justice Minister Inga. He told us we would be able to investigate the crime scene and visit Dhurke shortly. I was thankful Edgeworth was here with us.

He said Ema was here too! Apparently Nahyuta had grown fond of her and they were like a team working together. I guess it was like the way Detective Gumshoe was with Edgeworth himself.

Phoenix wanted to check on Maya in the hospital. I wanted to see Dhurke and Athena said she'd come with me to help with any footwork I had to do. Edgeworth then said he'd accompany Phoenix. We split up for now and Phoenix said to call him if I needed anything.

As for Datz, he was on the plane with us, but Dhurke told him to go home and stay out of trouble.

We had another look at the orb and sussed that it was some kind of wax that concealed the figure and that maybe if we turned it upside down the figure could be covered again. Clever design.

We looked around a bit before heading to the detention centre to see Dhurke. He met us with a smile and kept smiling. Great guy. He even promised to take me to a breakfast hash house after this and I really liked the sound of it. I also appreciate the fact that I know enough American English to know what a hash house is. Just think of potato hash browns and breakfast!

He hadn't been questioned yet, so it was a good chance for us to ask him what exactly happened when he went into the tomb.

Saturday 26 December 2020

176 ace attorney 6 - the hostage situation didn't go well

Dear Readers,

Phoenix and I rushed into the tomb, looking for Dhurke. Phoenix told me to look over and there I saw Dhurke standing over Inga's dead body holding a blade in his hand, blood on his chest!

The queen came to the scene and ordered her guards to seize him. Dhurke said no! Wait! just before the screen went white and sounds of punches and kicks happened, followed by restraints being put on.

They took Dhurke away! He threw something which hit me in the head. It was the orb! It looked like he wanted me to keep it safe.

A voice appeared from behind, saying "Nick?". It was Maya! She was okay! 

Maya said Dhurke saved her before she collapsed from exhaustion.

Inga was dead and Dhurke was arrested for it. Maya was safe now.

I left the tomb where Athena asked me what happened. I told her I wasn't sure, but it seemed Dhurke killed Inga to save Maya. She was shocked but even more shocked was Rayfa, who immediately wanted to see for herself, but the royal guard wouldn't let her. She was already convinced that Dhurke killed her father.

Phoenix told me let's regroup somewhere. We went back to Tehm'pul Temple. Athena asked if I was okay and I said I was. I hoped Dhurke didn't kill Inga. Phoenix said Edgeworth was talking to the police so we should stay put for now. He understood I must've been in shock but he asked me to stay with them. I thanked him and said I'd be fine!

Some time later, Edgeworth arrived with some bad news...

Friday 25 December 2020

175 ace attorney 6 - waiting for the hostage situation

Dear Readers,

Queen Ga'ran apologised to us for the criminal actions of her husband, using the royal "we". She explained the police wouldn't come if her husband committed the crime, so she commanded her royal guard to apprehend him!

Dhurke protested and the queen immediately called for her guard to apprehend him when she saw him. He did his scary dragon flash thing and said to slow down as he was here to do a hostage exchange, as Maya's life was in danger. The queen asked him why would her husband do that and he said he'd explain later. 

The queen asked him to wait but he was already on his way. She sighed and told her guard to let him through. Rayfa told Phoenix he had some explaining to do. He then asked me to explain the situation. She told me to leave nothing out, calling me "Horn Head"! This girl has an insult for everyone!

She took it very hard that her father had abducted someone. She called him a gentle soul. She might as well know the truth now...

After explaining, we now had to wait. The queen said when the appointed time came that her guard was now going to storm in. I asked her if she couldn't wait a bit longer and she said no, as it put the hostage's life in more danger and she saw no other alternative.

The queen commanded her guard to now storm the tomb and seize both Inga and Dhurke. She still believed Dhurke was responsible for her predecessor's assassination.

They stormed the tomb and within moments they fled back out yelling "he's dead!"

Who's dead!? What was going on!?

Phoenix sprung into action, telling me to go with him quick towards the tomb.

Thursday 24 December 2020

174 ace attorney 6 - sudden journey to khura'in!

Dear Readers,

I asked the bespectacled Edgeworth, who had suddenly appeared, what he was doing here. He said he was taking care of the hostage situation.

Edgeworth said he chartered a plane especially for us and he was going to do whatever was necessary to hide the fact that Dhurke was onboard. Yay! Also wow to him having that much influence.

Everyone wanted to go, including Trucy, but Phoenix told her she had to stay and hold the fort. I asked her to hold on to evidence I didn't need at this point and she asked me to bring her something back that wasn't just more evidence.

After a flight that might as well have been the sound effect from Street Fighter, we arrived in Khura'in.

Edgeworth said he'd contact the police and royal family. I had no time to dawdle or reminisce on my youth here as Phoenix, Athena and Dhurke were rushing and telling me to keep up. We had to save Maya.

We went to the royal palace. I was puffed out from all the running and climbing. Amara's tomb was right ahead. Phoenix said Amara was the previous queen that was assassinated and Dhurke said he was the one they pinned the blame on.

A voice came from behind with the words "Barbed Head". That's right, it was Princess Rayfa! She asked us what we were doing here and we said our prosecutor Edgeworth asked for permission. Phoenix asked her where Inga was and she said he was headed for the tomb, alone. She didn't seem to know why.

Just then, there was some marching approaching us. It was the royal guard, telling us to bow before the Queen Ga'ran, who also appeared in front of us! She commanded her guard to surround the tomb at once. Was she going to help us?

Wednesday 23 December 2020

173 ace attorney 6 - the ominous phone caller

Dear Readers,

It was the end of episode 5... day 1.

Phoenix looked at me with a serious expression and the threatening music played. I asked him what did he mean Maya was being held hostage and who was this mastermind? Phoenix said he didn't know who it was but they were pulling the strings behind all this.

It's totally that jerk justice minister, let's be real here...

Dhurke asked if Maya was that bun-haired young lady back in Khura'in. Phoenix said she was and asked why. Dhurke said he had good news for Phoenix, that Maya was somewhere safe. He was sure of that much. The music stopped.

Phoenix said he was lost by what Dhurke said. Phoenix looks really weird when his mouth is open like that with both rows of teeth showing.

I liked the way Dhurke called the politician a little snot when talking about his patron, who had no idea he was here in the States with us. I asked if he'd mind telling us who that was.

Just then, Phoenix's phone rang. It had no caller ID. He answered to a very weird voice that didn't have natural bipping. It was masked and ominous.

The voice identified itself as the benefactor we were talking about. Phoenix asked them if Maya was safe. They said they were listening to the court case and were shocked that a spirit medium was the key to the riddle, but also told us to not think for a minute that it would guarantee Maya's safety as they had another spirit medium within reach. Phoenix said if Maya was harmed they'd have to answer to him.

Dhurke asked Phoenix for the phone, taking it from him, speaking to the caller directly. They demanded to know who it was and Dhurke said it was their friendly neighbourhood dragon in the U.S. on a little trip, addressing the caller as Minister of Justice Inga Karkhuul Khura'in.

Yup! Called it.

Inga was flabbergasted. Dhurke said that was a poor excuse for a bluff and that they both knew his threats were as empty as his head. He told him straight that he couldn't lay a hand on Maya Fey and he meant that literally. Inga then said she wasn't his only... insurance. He said he had someone else important to him in tha palm of his hand. Dhurke copped it. Of course, he was talking about Nahyuta.

Inga told Dhurke to meet him at Amara's Tomb the next day at 3PM, alone.

I asked him what was going on. He said he had to get back to Khura'in right away. I asked how?

A voice piped up, saying to let him worry about it. It was... Edgeworth!

Tuesday 22 December 2020

172 ace attorney 6 - armie buff's hope for the future

Dear Readers,

We celebrated in the lobby with the happy music. Dhurke praised me with massive fatherly pride for defeating the Fighting Phoenix. Of course, I knew his hands were tied and I saved him. That obstacle for the revolution was finally overcome.

Trucy asked Dhurke if he was going to try and have the Holy Mother's spirit channelled. He said it wasn't easy, as they needed the true name and the only living person who knew that was Queen Ga'ran of Khura'in.

I asked Dhurke what he was going to do now. He said he was going to trace how the orb came into Dr. Buff's hands. The politician gave it to the doctor, but how did it get to the politician? Dhurke said he must've had inside help from someone connected to the royal family and he wanted to expose it.

I heard someone calling me Private Justice. It was Armie's drone! With a salute she commended my work and told me I did her proud! I commended her too for her courage in coming out of her room like she did!

She said it was thanks to Corpswoman Cykes and me. Her siege defence strategy was over and she could sally forth. We were deeply saddened for her to lose both her parents and be wheelchair-bound.

Then she said it was time for her to go on without her father's coddling on her own two feet. The music stopped and I held her drone for her. She then picked herself up off her wheelchair and stood up! Wobbily, but she was up!

She admitted the doctor said she was able to walk again months ago, but if she admitted she was able, she knew she'd have to leave the house, so she faked it. Now that she was out and her father was watching over her, she wanted to keep going. Dhurke told her to never stop and be brave, because there'll be days when she'll want to but he had faith she would find a way to muster the strength to push through them.

Trucy cheerfully said Phoenix was back. He was lost in thought. I asked him if Maya was safe and he said she was for now. Athena was ready to save her and asked where she was.

Phoenix then said he had bad news. Maya was still over in Khura'in and was still being held hostage by the mastermind behind this whole thing. This was the start of the big revolution.

Monday 21 December 2020

171 ace attorney 6 - judge rules in our favour

Dear Readers,

The judge said in light of everything, the artifact was indeed the Founder's Orb and Paul Atishon-Wimperson was the suspect in Dr. Buff's murder.

Phoenix thanked me for helping him realise he didn't have to keep bending the truth. I blushed and said not to mention it. Athena was thrilled too! The answer to the riddle set us all free to pursue the truth! Of course, I had Dhurke's encouragement about never yielding to get to the truth.

With no more objections, the judge asked Dhurke to take the stand. He did silently with a smile. The judge said the court awarded the orb to the Defiant Dragons per the stated transfer agreement.

There was applause, there was confetti rain... it was great! Also a nice little twist on the usual happy endings.

The judge then said if the Kingdom of Khura'in claimed ownership, the matter may have to be deliberated in court all over again. He was hoping, and in this case, praying that he wouldn't be the one presiding over the issue. Dhurke laughed, saying something like that might cause an international incident, but now there was bigger fish to fry. The revolution of course. The judge declared court was adjourned.

Sunday 20 December 2020

170 ace attorney 6 - paul atishon-wimperson loses!

Dear Readers,

I was well able to corner the slimeball Paul Atishon-Wimperson now. He demanded Phoenix do something but Phoenix said although it was his job to defend him, it wasn't a lawyer's only duty; it was equally as important to find the truth!

Phoenix confronted him. He said he was taken hostage himself, but now he had a chance to make things right and it was thanks to me, so he resigned as Paul Atishon-Wimperson's lawyer right there and then.

Paul Atishon-Wimperson screamed at the thought of being put under arrest. Then he stopped screaming and regained his compsure, saying he had nothing to confess. He wasn't giving up.

He said his fingerprints weren't on the suitcase. I said that only meant he wiped them off to leave Datz' ones. He said no comment with smugness. Phoenix suggested looking at things from a different angle.

I finally had a chance to present the statement from Armie about her wheelchair being pushed. When her wheelchair was being moved, she woke and escaped to carry out her strategy thingy she'd been doing this whole time, this time fully justified and with fingerprints intact!

Phoenix said this shouldn't have existed in court today, but sometimes things do get better!

To drive it home, I declared the final piece of evidence was on a certain person, pointing out Armie with a "Take that!"

Thanks to the Sarge's siege strategy, she wouldn't have seen a single soul since until now, keeping the evidence intact!

With a dramatic finger point, I put it to Paul Atishon-Wimperson to explain his way out of this one! He had an absolute meltdown, breaking down into tears and something crazy happened — his imagery of him winning the election came up before a headline appeared of his murder charge, stripping him of his title, casting him into a pit screaming for his grandpa. Whether it was reality or inside his own head, it was pretty satisfying!

Saturday 19 December 2020

169 ace attorney 6 - nice logical path to solve the riddle fully

Dear Readers,

It was time for the climactic logical path to find the truth and save Maya!

I thought about Paul Atishon-Wimperson's patron/benefactor whatever. This person believed in the orb's legend. We revealed the face when it was exposed to fire...

...but have we solved the riddle yet? No!

How would it be possible for a dead person to return to the world of the living? Channelling! However, the cloning and time travel options were pretty funny.

I thought about how knowledge of a dead person's face and name are needed to channel. To solve this riddle and to literally receive the founder's power, I would need... A spirit medium!

Maya Fey is needed to obtain the power! I thought once that slimy Paul Atishon-Wimperson realises this fact, he wouldn't be able to lay a finger on her!

I spoke at last, telling Phoenix that everything was going to be okay, telling him that Maya would come to no harm from the slimeball.

Phoenix finally took his head out of his hands and looked at me. I then addressed the slimeball Paul Atishon-Wimperson and told him he took the wrong person hostage. I explained the whole situation to him. I said we should have taken the phrase "return of the founder" more literally.

Phoenix caught on to what I was talking about because of his experiences in Khura'in. He then copped the idea about channelling the founder. Dhurke was amazed that the legend was actually true! 

Paul Atishon-Wimperson desperately suggested Pearl as an option and I said she wouldn't be tempted by material gain nor willing to help if her cousin was going to be in danger. I even brought up the option of the queen of Khura'in, but he'd probably be executed for requesting such a thing.

With that, I told Paul Atishon-Wimperson to confess he murdered Dr. Buff!

Friday 18 December 2020

168 ace attorney 6 - dhurke's dragon encouragement

Dear Readers,

The judge said he believed I was in the middle of accusing Phoenix's client of murdering Dr. Buff before I was interrupted and asked if I wanted to continue. I was faced with a very dramatic situation.

Phoenix told me he was really, really sorry. The judge was wondering what was going on with us. Paul Atishon-Wimperson smirked and said out loud that I had caught on and that he was too important to be accused of murder. He demanded I retract my accusation. How could he be so brazen in court like this?

I struggled with it and decided to do it. I said I wanted to retract... but I was interrupted by a loud "Objection!" from a voice that hadn't said it before. It was Dhurke!

Dhurke said he didn't know what was going on, but a lawyer should never look the way I looked right now with "defeat" and "resignation" written all over my face. He held his clawed palm out to the foremost layer of the 3DS' 3D feature and said in voiced dialogue "A dragon never yields."

He continued, saying even when wounded, a dragon bites down hard, and never lets go till its dying breath. He said it glares, it roars, and it latches its jaws firmly onto its prey till the bitter end. He said that's what lawyers did to get to the truth!

I thought about what he said. Phoenix's hands were tied, so it was up to me to continue the fight. The fight for truth!

Finally! We can be clear about the ultimate goal here, to find the truth! It's what I wanted all along!

I smiled and thanked Dhurke for the wake up call. He said I now had the face of a lawyer!

I decided where there was a will, there was a way. A way to see justice was served and save Maya!

A powerful logical path to the end to be exact!

Thursday 17 December 2020

167 ace attorney 6 - the reason why phoenix was doing this

Dear Readers,

Paul Atishon-Wimperson asked me to prove he had a motive to murder the doctor. I was ready.

I said the doctor never returned his "crystal" and instead went to hide it in the cave ruins. I told him he made a blunder telling the doctor the Defiant Dragons were dangerous. All it did was make the doctor hide the orb, a lie which came back to bite him in the end.

I also said the doctor saw the news reports, so he knew the relic was the Founder's Orb. He knew he had to return it to its rightful place and that meant keeping it out of Paul Atishon-Wimperson's hands. I said that made him so angry he went and killed the doctor with his own hands.

Suddenly, Phoenix said "Hold it!" and asked me to please not accuse his client of murder. I asked him what he meant by that. He then said what he meant to say was his client was a promising politician with a bright future ahead of him and that it was in our nation's best interests to avoid burdening him with the taint of scandal!?

I wondered again what was going on with Phoenix?

Paul Atishon-Wimperson then demanded Phoenix change the courtroom's "current climate" or he'd be accused of murder, which would mean something would happen to "her", whoever that was. Phoenix was sweating bullets.

I told Phoenix he couldn't possibly believe Datz was the killer. I asked him if he was really trying to send an innocent man to prison? I told him I thought he was better than that. Phoenix continued sweating and struggling. I demanded an answer.

Phoenix bellowed again, holding his head in his hands. I asked what was going on? I turned to Athena. She said nothing. I was just about to accuse of Paul Atishon-Wimperson of murder when Athena said "Hold it!"

Athena then revealed to me she overheard something she shouldn't have during recess. It was Phoenix asking if Maya was unharmed and Paul Atishon-Wimperson smugly telling him he couldn't say, as long as he got the treasure. He mentioned this so-called benefactor and their demand for it as well. They wanted that spiritual power. He was in his stupid carrier thing as well. Awful person...

So, Phoenix was being blackmailed and Maya was being held hostage. I asked Athena why she didn't tell me and she apologised, saying Phoenix caught her at the last second and made her promise not to. He said it would make things more difficult if I found out.

Finally... it was revealed why Phoenix was acting so strange this whole time. I looked him in his state of pure anguish... no... it was a good thing Athena told me...

Wednesday 16 December 2020

166 ace attorney 6 - exposing paul atishon-wimperson

Dear Readers,

Phoenix then made an objection to me proving Paul Atishon-Wimperson's lies about where the doctor was he was murdered. He said the fact remained that his client knew the suitcase was the murder weapon and had first-hand knowledge of the crime scene.

I said I agreed with him but it begged the question about his vantage point. He asked me what I was insinuating. I said the witness saw the murder happen from inside the study! This of course would point the finger at the witness being the murderer!

Phoenix objected, saying his client wasn't as strong as Datz was and wouldn't have been able to pull it off. I had to agree with this at least, as I had trouble shifting the thing as well.

Athena said as long as the suitcase was the murder weapon, Datz was the suspect. I announced I was going to turn the case on its head, just as Phoenix himself taught me. I said we were going to have to consider another way Paul Atishon-Wimperson could've used the suitcase as a murder weapon.

I made sure to point out Paul Atishon-Wimperson's inaccuracies about the doctor's position when he was killed and followed that up with the question of where the victim actually was. I also included the question of where the killer was and how the murder weapon was really used.

The judge was on board with this and asked me to assert where the killer really was. I pointed out the passage overlooking the study, the same position I pointed last time in fact, and asked the court to consider the diagram in 3D! Nice way to bring in the 3DS features!

I asserted Paul Atishon-Wimperson was above on that passage with the suitcase and pushed it down on top of the doctor's head at his position directly below at the coffee bar. This accounts for the psychology book having both coffee and bloodstains on it.

Phoenix objected, saying it was an entertaining theory, but I had no evidence that it took place at the coffee bar.

I said evidence existed, and pointed out the coffee stain on the book, which was still damp when we checked it out.

Phoenix had nothing and so, I turned to Paul Atishon-Wimperson. He had nothing else either besides asking what motive he could possibly have. Time to drive it home!

Tuesday 15 December 2020

165 ace attorney 6 - lie after lie after lie from paul atishon-wimperson

Dear Readers,

Athena came back from checking on how Phoenix was doing. She looked really sad. I asked her how it went. She was muttering something to herself but then snapped out of it when she saw me and put on a brave fighting face. I didn't have a chance to hear how it went because recess was over and we had to go back into court.

The judge checked with Phoenix and he was sticking to his last argument that we hadn't proven our case which he said needed the presence of spiritual power. He also returned to his assertion of the Defiant Dragons killing Doctor Buff. I said that was proven false! He then revealed he had new testimony. The judge gave him the go ahead. Who was this witness and why so late?

The new witness was none other than... *sigh* Paul Atishon-Wimperson. Phoenix said he suddenly remembered something during recess. Yeah, right.

His testimony was laughable. He said Datz killed the doctor with his suitcase. I complained about him only revealing this now instead of earlier and he laughed, saying it was a politician's tactic.

Phoenix then revealed a luminol test showed the doctor's blood on a corner of Datz' suitcase. What the heck?! We were challenged again!

The judge found it convincing, but let us go ahead with the cross-examination anyway.

With this totally new and changed testimony from Paul Atishon-Wimperson, I pressed him for details. It was funny and really satisfying to hear him say the police banned him from using his palanquin after dark. That put a big smile on my face!

I got an extra detail out of him, that being the doctor was absorbed in a book standing in front of the bookshelves when he was attacked. I made an "Objection!" presenting the doctor's reading glasses. I pointed out the doctor needed reading glasses, which were found on his desk, which invalidated his statement.

Paul Atishon-Wimperson then got sweaty and said he was mistaken and changed his statement to something even more laughable, that being the doctor was sitting at his desk.

I said the doctor would've been facing his attacker then. He said the doctor was nodding off.

I asked him to explain how the doctor was struck in the back of the head. He said the doctor bowed his head when he nodded off.

The judge actually found this to be a reasonable explanation! What a moron. At least he asked me if I had any problem with this proposal. I said I had a big problem! He asked for evidence and was happy to present the study diagram with a big, loud "Take that!"

Monday 14 December 2020

164 ace attorney 6 - armie was pushed

Dear Readers,

Phoenix was ready to give up until the slimy Paul Atishon-Wimperson reminded him of whatever their little chat was. After this, Phoenix resumed his objection.

Phoenix said he didn't believe we had truly proven that the artifact was really the Founder's Orb. I stuck it to him to prove that it wasn't. He hesitated for a moment until he stopped sweating and found something.

He argued that our case was incomplete. He went back to the riddle and put emphasis on the part where the one who solved the riddle would have spiritual power bestowed upon them. I couldn't believe him. He seriously asked me if I felt spiritual power coursing through my veins. I had to admit that I didn't. He then argued that consequently, I couldn't therefore claim that this was the Founder's Orb, trying to regain his posture.

The court was dead silent. The judge said it appeared that Phoenix lost a few of his marbles. I wondered myself what had gotten into him. Phoenix said with a smile that it couldn't be further from the truth, though I could hear the desperation in his voice.

The judge then called for a 20 minute recess and asked for all arguments to be ready. He told Phoenix to wash up and find his missing marbles. Phoenix just sweated in response.

In the lobby, we discussed how Phoenix was acting funny. He was indeed famous for going out on a limb, but that last assertion was just crazy. I said it was a bluff or something else... it just didn't make sense why he was acting like this. Trucy said he seemed perfectly normal when they spoke earlier. Athena said she had a bad feeling about it and went to go check on him.

I heard a voice, calling me Private Justice. It was Armie! She said she forgot to mention that on the night of her father's murder, something strange happened. I asked her why she was telling me this now and she said she thought his death was an accident. Now that she knew otherwise she figured it would be important to tell me.

Armie said when she came to after passing out, she felt someone pushing her wheelchair! She freaked out and rushed for cover back into her room. I asked her if she knew who it was and she said she didn't as it was pitch black. I said maybe it was her father and she insisted it wasn't as she would've known and he would've said something to her. This led to the idea that it could've been her father's real killer. It didn't occur to her to tell the police and I said it was okay, as she was upset at the time. I told her not to beat herself up over it.

Dhurke said this detail could be really important and it could be part of some bigger scheme. I decided to take her statement as evidence.

After this, Athena came back and looked sad...

Sunday 13 December 2020

163 ace attorney 6 - burning phoenix's case to the ground

Dear Readers,

With permission from the judge and from Armie, I took a lighter and lit it next to the artifact. There was some liquid in it that drained, revealing a statue! Dramatic Khura'inese music played as I asked Dhurke what he thought and he said it really was the founder herself! Face and all!

Dhurke was astounded and confused. He brought up that one of the greatest taboos in Khurain'ism was to depict the founder's face.

This led to Phoenix and me arguing again. I said it was "crystal" clear that it was the Founder's Orb. He came back with telling me the agreement was null and void and I shot back by telling him not to play dumb, reminding him it was established the doctor wasn't killed right after Armie saw Datz, but after he came back from hiding the orb. This left him sweating. I said his claim that the Defiant Dragons killed the doctor didn't hold water, which meant the transfer agreement was still perfectly valid. I told him to admit I just burned his whole case to the ground.

With this Phoenix yelled a very long "NOOOOO!"

It looked really good for our case now! Paul Atishon Wimperson told Phoenix to do something and he couldn't... he said there was no digging out of this hole. I stuck it to the slimy Paul Atishon Wimperson, telling him to write his concession speech, telling him the facts didn't lie but he did and that I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was the Founder's Orb. He was not happy!

The judge was ready to hand down his verdict. I had no objections. Phoenix struggled to say he had no objections either, but before he had a chance, a big "Hold it!" came from Paul Atishon Wimperson. He insisted the crystal was his and he'd lose the election if he didn't have it. Phoenix apologised, saying there was nothing more he could do.

Just then, Paul Atishon-Wimperson reminded him of their little chat. Uh oh...

Saturday 12 December 2020

162 ace attorney 6 - the orb's riddle solved

Dear Readers,

I asked Armie if she always needed a wheelchair and she said negative and it was only since she was injured in the fire.

The judge noted her voice was different from before and she revealed the voice modulation feature on her drone. He said he thought she was some twenty-something male military fanatic and not a 12-year old girl. Armie Buff is a nice puntastic name too.

Armie was eager to continue her testimony and after her therapy session, she said she was clear about the lady she saw in the flames. She said it wasn't her mother but a lady that her papa showed her a picture of a long time ago and that it was the Holy Mother, the founder of Khura'inism. Both Phoenix and I were pretty surprised.

With that, her noise level went down to 0%!

Athena wondered what it meant. A very sweaty Phoenix said he had a bad feeling about this. I wondered if the Sarge was talking about a certain thing and I presented the research notes with a "Take that!"

I pointed out the verse about offering "prayers as fervent as fire" with another "Take that!" revealing that the Holy Mother figure would appear when the orb was lit. This was a big surprise to Phoenix. I said the doctor had finally solved the riddle of the Founder's Orb!

Armie wanted to believe her father really did achieve his long-time dream of solving the riddle before he died. I suggested we try it out for ourselves! Armie agreed and begged me to light the Orb.

Suddenly, Phoenix made an "Objection!" for the sake of his client. I objected right back and we were over and back for a moment with objections until I pointed out that Armie now had the right to decide what to do. This left him in a sweaty mess.

The judge agreed and said something he'd never expect to say — he permitted me to burn the evidence!

Friday 11 December 2020

161 ace attorney 6 - the sarge revealed!

Dear Readers,

Thankfully, Athena was able to get Widget back from Sarge straight away. His emotional state was all over the place. He called her "Corpswoman Cykes".

Athena encouraged Sarge to breathe in and out before asking him to let it all out with his feelings and express himself! I didn't exactly see it as relaxing but he came out with more testimony.

Sarge's sadness and fear were extremely heightened. He then revealed that he left his room, got dizzy and passed out. He said he saw his father with a flame and grinning with delight.

It looked strange. What was that flame about? Also Datz was outside when he heard more fighting, so it was being distanced from him slowly, but it was progress!

This time I had to probe for answers. The fire was a new suspicious detail, and Sarge had a very traumatic history with fire so I probed that detail with a "Got it!"

We explained the fear of fire the Sarge would have since his traumatic incident and he felt he could agree with us. Then he spoke more about the fire and the doctor's gleeful expression before revealing that it was the artifact that was on fire!

Then he revealed something else very disturbing — he could see his late mother in the flames. I was shocked. Athena said his noise level was down but there was an inconsistency in his statement this time. Maybe his traumatic memories were interfering?

The inconsistency was the artifact itself. The doctor couldn't possibly have had it when he was killed in the study and I had to bring up the fact that the doctor hid it in the cave. I told the Sarge he must've passed out before the doctor left for the cave. Even if the Sarge hadn't passed out, the outcome would've been the same, so I told him there was no need to blame himself.

Sarge wasn't so sure about that. He spoke sadly, saying if it wasn't for him doing his siege defence, his father would still be alive because he wanted nothing more than for his son to be happy.

Athena counselled him. She said he had the power within him to move forward. I said if he didn't change his tactics, his victory would always lie beyond his grasp.

After giving it some thought, he decided there and then with a salute to suspend his siege defence immediately! 

A scene played out and a wheelchair appeared. the one in the wheelchair rolled up to the stand and held the drone in their arms. From there, it was revealed that it was the Sarge, with blue eyes and long flowing blonde hair. The Sarge was a girl! I was shocked! So was Athena!

Phoenix said he was just as shocked when he found out, but it explained a few things for him. He introduced us all to Miss Armie Buff. She certainly was too, with her helmet, holding her drone in her arms. She said her mother was in the Russian army.

I stood dumb, expressing my disbelief, to which Armie gave out to me, saying she could still shoot me away if she wanted. Athena was absolutely charmed, saying she was too cute to be the tough drill sergeant we were dealing with this whole time. Well, she already threatened to shoot me, so I may come round to believing it!

Thursday 10 December 2020

160 ace attorney 6 - the sarge loses control

Dear Readers,

When I started cross-examining Sarge, he said he didn't have eyes on the ground, but I knew his helicopter had a camera, so I raised an "Objection!" pointing out his drone.

The helicopter started sweating oil! I got all metaphorical with a truth bomb and he crashed to the ground dramatically, which was amusing. He got up again and was awestruck at the power of evidence!

I put the pressure on him but he insisted he didn't see anything. He even launched missiles at me! I asked Athena for help. She sensed a lot of discord in Sarge's voice. She said it usually meant a patient wanted to say something, but couldn't for some reason. She was willing to help, and everyone else was willing to accommodate.

That was... apart from the Sarge initially. Athena used a few more military metaphors and the Sarge was awestruck again by the powers of evidence and analytical psychology.

Looking at Sarge's emotions it was mainly sadness and shock, but their intensities changed from one moment to the next. His shock level was much lower on the statement on discovering his father than it was when he saw Datz. I pinpointed this with a "Got it!" and said that would naturally be far more impactful.

I think I knew why. I told Sarge that he wasn't as shocked because he already saw the body. It was clear from his reaction that I was right. I asked him again what he saw and he started freaking out, flying over to Athena and stealing Widget! He said he was confiscating it and that the battlefield had no place for unauthorised equipment!

When the judge ordered Sarge to continue his therapy session, he flew over and stole his gavel! Yikes...

The judge summoned the bailiff and an all out brawl broke out, everything going white with the Sarge firing bullets and missiles all over the place!

Wednesday 9 December 2020

159 ace attorney 6 - the sarge testifies

Dear Readers,

Sergeant Buff took the stand in his helicopter form and saluted the judge. Phoenix explained his situation and said he'd still like to continue with testimony delivered via the drone. The judge sympathised with the Sarge losing his father and decided to accommodate this method.

The Sarge came out guns-a-blazing at me for daring to defend the man who allegedly killed his father, calling it treason and demoted me from corporal back to private. Athena asked what he meant and I said it was a long story.

The Sarge went on to testify. He said Datz was ejected from the premises but then he heard arguing after that and assumed Datz must've committed the murder then. Phoenix said the man his client saw must've been Datz fleeing.

Just then there was an objection!... from Datz! He insisted he didn't kill anyone. Sarge saw him and fired missiles at him! Then he laughed, calling him a capitalist pig and telling him he'd turn him into pork stroganoff!

Time for cross-examination. I had to prove Datz was innocent or we'd lose the orb. I pressed the Sarge for details but the only progress I got was the judge reprimanding him for firing Gatling guns in court and also learning that "Gatling" is a proper noun.

Tuesday 8 December 2020

158 ace attorney 6 - datz helps to put me in a good mood again

Dear Readers,

Athena and I felt the burn of the fight against Phoenix. She said he really was the Turnabout Terror.

Datz immediately put me in a good mood when he said they got him for the third time in a year, declaring ""Datz" a new record!" with his big smile and thumbs up!

I asked him to be more careful. Dhurke asked him if it was true what Phoenix said about him visiting the doctor that night. He said it sure was, but the doctor wouldn't give him the orb, saying someone put it into his head that the Defiant Dragons were dangerous. Then he said it was why the doctor threw him out.

So the doctor was still alive when Datz last saw him, but we had to prove it. Dhurke asked me to brace myself for the next witness, whose testimony would make or break this case.

I asked where Trucy was and Athena said maybe she was worried that Phoenix and I would have a falling out, so she went to look for him.

Back in the courtroom, Phoenix introduced the next witness and it sounded like he was talking about Sarge. I asked him if he was talking about the doctor's reclusive son and how he was able to get him to cooperate? Phoenix said he got him to overcome his fear if it meant the killer could be caught.

I was impressed at his persuasive ability! I waited with anticipation to finally see the Sarge come out in person when out came... the helicopter. Oh well!

Monday 7 December 2020

157 ace attorney 6 - phoenix's horrible assertion

Dear Readers,

I caught Paul Atishon-Wimperson out on his testimony about being so close to the crime scene without seeing it, so Phoenix was ready to play another card that was up his sleeve.

After briefly speaking to his client, he revealed that the anonymous person who contacted the police was none other than Paul Atishon-Wimperson himself.

Phoenix then made a horrible, horrible assertion: The Defiant Dragons threatened the doctor with bodily harm, and now that they killed him, the transfer agreement was null and void!

It hit me so badly that I screamed. How could he do this? It obviously wasn't true. I mean... did he not know it wasn't true? Maybe he didn't know? Maybe he was doing this as pressure so that we could find the truth together? I'm actually consciously trying to give him the benefit of the doubt here.

Anyway, he said he had another witness when I desperately demanded evidence.

The judge agreed to another witness and called for a recess, asking both sides to prepare properly.

That's kind of difficult to do... I mean, the end goal is to find the truth and the only way that can be found is in the courtroom at this point. After all, there was stuff Phoenix didn't know and stuff I didn't know either until we got inside the courtroom.

Sunday 6 December 2020

156 ace attorney 6 - paul atishon-wimperson testifies what he witnessed

Dear Readers,

The slimy Paul Atishon-Wimperson was called again to testify, this time about witnessing a rebel escaping from the doctor's place. He boasted about dazzling us with his oration skills. Barf.

He said he was walking alone at 10pm, lost in thought when he saw Datz run out of the doctor's place. Then he campaigned against violence.

Phoenix added that Datz was "loitering" around the village that day and confirmed with me about the suitcase he left there, framing it as "evidence". He also said that Datz was in the gallery at that moment and he was trying to escape as he spoke!

The judge ordered the bailiff to stop Datz, who called Phoenix a backstabber for doing this to him.

I pressed Paul Atishon-Wimperson on his statements, but he kept aggrandising himself. I did get him to reveal where he was and what he saw, which contradicted the clear view he would've had of the crime scene, so I raised an "Objection!" with the study diagram.

I made my point about the huge window giving a clear view to anyone standing where he was. Phoenix went "ah!" and the judge acknowledged it too. However, Paul Atishon-Wimperson appeared to fall asleep! The judge yelled at him with a voice like thunder, which got him awake. I demanded answers from him and he kept wanting to walk away but I almost dragged him back, glaring at him to keep him in place.

Phoenix then spoke to his client, asking him to come clean and divulge that matter they discussed. He asked Phoenix if he was sure, since he didn't want to hurt his campaign and Phoenix said he wouldn't suffer any blowback for it, whatever it was...

Saturday 5 December 2020

155 ace attorney 6 - oh wow, another murder mystery

Dear Readers,

There was nothing I could use to prove without a doubt the origin of the artifact so I accepted there wasn't any for now. Paul Atishon calmed down and fixed his placard.

Phoenix then suggested another angle. I was willing to listen. He said what if the Defiant Dragons really were authorised to take the artifact. He highlighted the coming to no harm part of the agreement.

As an aside, he also looked down on me by mentioning my "little cave expedition" in those exact words. You don't have to be such a jerk, Phoenix...

He went on to say that the doctor's accidental death might have actually been murder.

Well... that brings it in line with the overall trend of these games. Had to happen eventually and might as well happen now.

The judge asked Phoenix if he was suggesting the doctor might've been murdered by the Defiant Dragons. He said he was but to follow him on this for a moment.

Phoenix talked about a psychology book that had been among the archaeology ones that fell on the doctor and had blood on it. The archaeology books were on the top shelf, whereas a tiny amount of psychology books were on the bottom shelf. Phoenix then offered an explanation for this: The doctor was struck from behind while selecting a psychology book from the shelf, and to make it look like an accident, he was then buried under a pile of archaeology books.

I asked Phoenix if he had any evidence for this explanation and he confidently said he did. He got Ema to examine the wound and she found that he was struck by the corner of some object. This couldn't happen if he simply fell on the flat floor...

Phoenix then pointed his big finger at me and concluded with clarity and confidence that Dr. Buff was murdered.

Yowch! On the receiving end of that hand I've used so many times!

I asked him what made him think it was the Defiant Dragons with my own pointed finger and he came right back at me with witnesses and evidence! He revealed Paul Atishon Wimperson saw a Defiant Dragon leave the crime scene!

I got an awful land at this revelation and he was keeping it up his sleeve until now.

The judge acknowledged this and brought up the issue of the murder weapon, which hadn't yet been identified. Phoenix said it hadn't been found at the crime scene and the murderer likely disposed of it elsewhere.

With that, we finally got an autopsy report, even though it wasn't required for the civil case, not immediately anyway.

Friday 4 December 2020

154 ace attorney 6 - challenging the origin of the artifact

Dear Readers,

It was time to cross-examine Paul Atishon Wimperson's self-aggrandising family history testimony, with regards to the artifact.

It took a good bit of time pressing on his statements and him not giving my questions straight answers.

Athena asked me who Ami Fey was and when I told her, she said that meant this crystal was probably made in Japan then.

I knew I had to raise an "Objection!" on the part about Ami Fey's specially made gift but I wasn't sure what to match it with. I chose the research notes and it worked. This enabled me to address the implication that it was made in Japan.

I said it couldn't be made there and pointed out the mitamah motif the doctor mentioned in his notes and how it dated back to the early days of the Kingdom of Khura'in. The same motif was on the artifact and on the treasure box. With this, I asserted the artifact was actually made in Khura'in. 

Paul Atishon-Wimperson got such a land he gripped and bent his name placard and started sweating.

Phoenix objected and there was an over and back between us, with my assertion challenged by him saying Ami Fey trained in Khura'in and could've possibly taken the pattern with her. The judge agreed, but also said nothing proved beyond a doubt that it was crafted in either country.

Athena wondered if we had any evidence that could break this stalemate. I couldn't see anything that would, so I chose the option that it didn't exist.

After this, Phoenix started talking about something else...

Thursday 3 December 2020

153 ace attorney 6 - paul atishon-wimperson testifies about the artifact

Dear Readers,

When Paul Atishon-Wimperson the slimeball admitted to lending the artifact to the doctor, I brought up his "benefactor" and the fact that he was going to give them what he claimed to be the Crystal of Ami Fey. He said he was going to tell his grandfather later.

Phoenix then said the politician's grandfather was very proud of him and would be happy to oblige in order to fulfill his grandson's dream. The judge went along with this, saying grandchildren were meant to be spoiled. I couldn't believe it... it's been in the family for centuries!

Paul Atishon said his grandfather entrusted him with the name placard he was flashing on the stand. He fogged and polished it, but then something unravelled on it, revealing the name "Abe Atishon"

The judge fully acknowledged the facts had changed and Ema left as well. He asked me how I wanted to proceed. Athena suggested letting them tell us all they knew about the Crystal of Ami Fey. I agreed and asked Phoenix to let his client tell us everything he knew about the artifact. Phoenix obliged and in turn asked Paul Atishon-Wimperson, who was only too happy to tell us to listen and learn.

He went on to make us suffer the so called illustrious history of the Atishon Clan. The one detail among all the fluff was that his ancestor in the old country protected the spirit mediums from discrimination and abuse, so Ami Fey rewarded the family with the heirloom.

I asked for proof that it was always in the family and Phoenix said he had a statement from someone named Ives Shineto, aged 85 that the Atishons showed him the crystal when he was a lad.

A funny but mostly pointless exchange happened here when I blurted out and asked how the memory of an old man could be trusted. Phoenix asked me to explain that to the judge, who wasn't impressed! He said he found the statement perfectly credible! Yikes! Athena liked the way Phoenix got the judge on his side on that point though. It was pretty good!

I have no idea if there's a pun in Ives Shineto. I haven't spotted it.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

152 ace attorney 6 - disproving the theft

Dear Readers,

I pressed Ema on details of the doctor being a thief, with Phoenix backing up her statements. Still not used to him being over there!

I did find that there was a robbery report filed with the police a year ago and that this had some crucial detail I needed to address right now to make an objection. I couldn't find what it was though and I got really tired, so I continued playing later.

Later refreshed, I noticed this detail was the name Wimperson in Paul Atishon-Wimperson, my first time seeing it. Then I noticed the initials in the e-mail being PAW, so I raised an "Objection!" with this.

The judge wasn't up to speed on e-mail or USB memory sticks, which was quite surprising.

Then I got surprised when I pointed out the initials and Phoenix had a big reaction. Poor Ema had a bit of a land too, but at least she was enlightened now.

My argument was that since the doctor and Paul Atishon-Wimperson were having an exchange about this artifact, the doctor couldn't have simply stolen it and this wasn't actually the Crystal of Ami Fey.

Phoenix objected, which felt really weird, asking me how was I so sure that it was his e-mail and that it wasn't for example a dog lover? I accommodated this by asking Paul Atishon-Wimperson a question from a choice of three:

  • What is your shoe size?
  • Your favourite food?
  • Your birthday?
I took this to mean the 711 as part of the PAW-711 handle in his e-mail address. It wouldn't have anything to do with food and a shoe size wouldn't have three digits but 7/11 could be a birthdate... in the American format of course!

I asked him his birthday and he said it was July 11! Yes!

He didn't cop why I asked and said if it was for birthday gifts he only accepted them valued at a thousand dollars or more. Ugh! This slimeball looked really bad now and poor Phoenix was sweating bullets. I was sweating bullets too and probably for the same reason: We both felt pure disgust.

I explained how this matched the e-mail address and Paul Atishon finally copped it, calling me sneaky. Then he walked away and I had to call him back to explain himself since he was in a court of law. He said he didn't know how it happened, maybe something to do with his secretary. 

Grrr... I wanted to nail him down so he wouldn't get away. I asked Phoenix if he cared to respond. Phoenix said he wouldn't argue my assertion that the politician lent the treasure to the doctor and asked him to study it.

Phoenix then slapped his bench and said it didn't settle the issue of ownership. He argued his client had to hide the fact that he sent the crystal to be studied because his family would've been very upset if they found out about their heirloom like this. I said he had to be kidding me.

Paul Atishon was pleased with this and said Mr. Wright was right. He admitted he lent the artifact to the doctor and didn't even tell his grandfather. I raised an objection...

Tuesday 1 December 2020

151 ace attorney 6 - paul atishon's ridiculous position

Dear Readers,

The judge said the name Dhurke Sahdmadhi sounded familiar but couldn't recall where he heard it. I said he was just a tourist. Athena asked if I was sure about this and I said Dhurke was only a wanted criminal in Khura'in but not here.

The first witness was called and it was... Ema. She got a bit huffy with me to show her some respect when addressing her in court and that I owed Phoenix an apology after all he'd done for me. I showed the humility she was looking for and said I was sorry and that I was just doing my job. She said I wouldn't get anywhere with my attitude and that I should take advice from someone who was now going somewhere. I started to feel like I was on trial...

Ema went on to testify that the doctor had a whole bunch of stolen artifacts! She said he probably stole the item in question from Paul Atishon's place!

Oh my gosh what an absolute dummy she is. I'm shocked at what Ema just said! How could she conclude with something like that!?

She said he was a classic treasure hunter and went on to say that according to the doctor's child, he believed he was honoring the dead by discovering their history through artifacts. He was still taking them though and the judge agreed with her about the doctor committing larceny. Jeez.

I said, for the sake of argument, if that was the case, then did the doctor himself steal the item in question from Khura'in? Phoenix said no, as there wasn't any record of the doctor travelling and he couldn't leave his reclusive child at home alone either.

The judge then said in that case, this really was the Crystal of Ami Fey and Phoenix said yes, that the doctor stole it from the Atishon residence so he could study it. 

Wow... I didn't think he'd actually say that... He really was going for it, even though it wasn't true.

On the other hand about Ema... maybe she wasn't being dumb after all. Maybe she was simply working with Phoenix on this.

It was time for the cross-examination. Really weird to see my face and Phoenix's face going head-to-head on the bottom screen!

Monday 30 November 2020

150 ace attorney 6 - the judge's surprise

Dear Readers,

The judge was surprised to see Phoenix on the opposite side to a very sweaty Athena and me, asking if this was some sort of practice session. We said it was the real deal and he then asked if we had a falling out. I was sweating myself as we said no, we just had different clients. The judge expressed his hope that this wouldn't have an adverse effect on our working relationship.

Athena asked if this really was a good idea and I asked her if she wanted to switch sides. She said she wanted to be anywhere else right now. I said I was glad she was here as I needed her help.

Phoenix addressed me and told me again that the kid gloves were off and he wasn't pulling punches. I said same here!

The judge reminded us to keep this civil case civil.

The judge called for the plaintiff to the stand and out Paul Atishon came, with his carriers and all, starting his campaign already.

The judge demanded he come out of that contraption and take the witness stand, putting him in his place. That was satisfying.

The judge proceeded. He asked Phoenix for an outline of the complaint and he gave it in full, saying the defendant stole his client's family heirloom and he wanted it back.

The judge then asked me for my statement where I made my assertion about the so-called heirloom actually being the Founder's Orb, outlining the recent events of its theft. I said it was more accurate to call it spirited away where it reached the doctor. We learned about it and made contact with the doctor, who agreed in writing to part with it. I said my client also agreed to return it to Khura'in once the doctor verified it was the real thing.

The judge said he understood the dispute was centred on whether the item in question was the Founder's Orb or the Crystal of Ami Fey, which would, in turn, determine the object's rightful owner.

Sunday 29 November 2020

149 ace attorney 6 - trucy and athena's positions

Dear Readers,

My answer to the end of the last blog post was promptly answered by Trucy declaring she wasn't going to take sides. I said that was loud and clear. She said that was good because she didn't like this one bit and that Phoenix and I should be on the same team. I told her I was sorry and really felt how mad she was.

Dhurke said he was sorry too, saying it was all his fault. Trucy got sad and said she was worried things wouldn't be the same between her dad and me after this. Dhurke smiled at this, saying he wouldn't worry. He said that's the way it was with us men. We may fight, but we don't burn bridges.

She asked if that really was the case. He said it was, that one minute we're trading blows and the next we're having drinks together. He laughed it off, saying we were simple creatures at heart. Trucy said she hoped he was right.

I am a little worried about this too, but Dhurke is kinda right too. To be a boy is to be a fool and that's probably the case with being a man too.

Athena arrived, apologising to me for being late. I asked her what happened with her and Phoenix and she said she went to the wrong airport. She said she was waiting and thinking his flight was really late and then she dozed off until it was dark already. She was really upset at herself for doing that. Aw.

That meant she had no clue what the case was about and so, she asked. Whew. She made a few guesses and nope, nothing to do with murder this time. It was a civil case.

She was surprised and confirmed what she knew about civil cases, how there was no prosecutor. I said that's right and had no time to explain any other details. We were called into the courtroom before I had a chance to explain to her about Phoenix.

Wow. Athena's going to find out inside the court. This is really silly, but it'll add to the drama I suppose!

Saturday 28 November 2020

148 ace attorney 6 - the fighting phoenix

Dear Readers,

I decided there was no turning back now... I chose to battle Phoenix. I told him if it was a trial he wanted, I was more than happy to oblige. I was ready to fight for Dhurke, even if it meant facing off against him.

Phoenix paused for a while before saying all right and that he wouldn't be pulling any punches either. He declared the kid gloves officially off and may the best attorney win. I said you got it!

Trucy was shocked at me being willing to go up against Phoenix. I told her I was sorry but I had to do this. 

Phoenix had a thoughtful look on his face as he said my name and paused again. Then he said he had to go prepare to see me in court tomorrow. Trucy ran after him telling him to wait.

Dhurke told me it was a fine mess he had gotten me into. He told me about Phoenix's newfound reputation in Khura'in where they were calling him the Fighting Phoenix. I gave him my trademark "I'll be fine!" assurance, thinking maybe, who knows? Maybe I could win.

Dhurke then said maybe this was a blessing in disguise, that if we could prove that it was the Founder's Orb, then maybe we could find out whoever it was that asked Dr. Buff to study it. It was the first step of his revolution to restore Khura'in to its former glory and to save Nahyuta's soul.

I promised Dhurke and swore to fight as hard as I could in court to make that a reality. I said we were going to win this one! He said he knew I could do it, calling me son again. 

The stuff he talked about meant a lot to me too.

Also, I know Phoenix is fighting for his client, but I do know that he is just as interested in the truth as I am. I really do think we'll be fine.

Here's a question in the meantime: Whose side are Trucy and Athena going to be on? Will they feel as conflicted as Ema was in Maya's trial? All part of the interesting drama ahead!

Friday 27 November 2020

147 ace attorney 6 - the ultimate boss

Dear Readers,

As Phoenix himself stood before me, I asked him why on earth was he serving as that slimeball Paul Atishon's lawyer.

Phoenix said it was because he was hired to. Paul then said he figured with a celebrated lawyer like Phoenix Wright, he couldn't go wrong.

I asked Phoenix if this was why he came back from Khura'in and he said it was just good timing as he had just wrapped up there.

Then he said Paul was a very important client, which absolutely baffled me. I never heard him even mention Paul before.

I asked Phoenix if he was sure that what we had was Paul's family heirloom and he said that it was his client's assertion. He said apparently, Ami Fey once used this crystal when channelling spirits.

I asked him who Ami Fey was. He said she brought Khura'inese channelling to Japan, and her descendants brought it here to America. Details were still kind of murky but it was clear that she herself was the founder of the Kurain Channelling Technique.

I tried to wrap my head around this, asking if she was the one they called the founder of Khura'in — the Holy Mother.

Phoenix said he didn't know all the facts yet, but he wasn't planning to betray his client's confidence and knew for sure that they wouldn't be handing the crystal over to us.

Phoenix said he was sorry it came to this. I said I didn't understand.

Phoenix then spelled it out for me: If I was going to continue to claim that the crystal or whatever this artifact was belonged to my client, then he was going to see me in court.

I was floored. Dramatic music played. Trucy asked her dad what had gotten into him. Phoenix said it was just business. Paul laughed at the sight of two lawyers from the same firm facing off. He believed he had the "right" man for the job. Ack... ok that was funny.

Paul pretty much just laid out the narration. He asked me what I was going to do, as Phoenix was my boss after all.

I begged Phoenix not to do this. He said there was no point in asking here as we would find everything out in court. Trucy didn't want us from the same agency to compete with each other either but it was too late, the die had been cast.

Phoenix then asked me what it was going to be. I reflected on the gravity of the situation, actually opposing THE Phoenix Wright in court. I owed it to Dhurke to at least try though.

I had two choices:

  • Battle Mr. Wright
  • Throw in the towel
In reality, I knew this really wasn't about him versus me, but the drama is extremely interesting and, as a player, it was fascinating since I was both Phoenix and Apollo in fighting our battles and getting to where we were today. This is very entertaining!

I toyed with the concession option and the will to keep fighting for Dhurke was too strong, so that option meant nothing fairly quickly.

Furthermore, since I was playing as Phoenix in Khura'in and suffered so much because of the DC Act, the thing that Dhurke was fighting to get rid of, I knew that we had a shared goal in the end. In fact, having Phoenix as an opponent is the best possible option to this end.

It will be very exciting to see the drama play out.

Thursday 26 November 2020

146 ace attorney 6 - paul atishon shows up and ruins absolutely everything

Dear Readers,

After that slimeball politician pointed at Dhurke, accusing him of stealing his family heirloom, Ema supposed she should ask him to go in for questioning.

Dhurke said he'd pass, saying it seemed the slimeball politician Atishon...

Oh jeez... it just dawned on me. His name is Paul Atishon or "politician". Hahaha! Still... no sympathy for him though!

Dhurke said it seemed that slime Paul Atishon was bent on having him arrested on theft charges.

This didn't look good... if Dhurke got arrested, he'd be sent back to Khura'in to face execution...

Ema said she had to insist he come with her. I went "Hold it!" and said we had a written agreement with Dr. Buff on a transaction for the Founder's Orb. She asked for the proof and I showed it to her with a "Take that!"

She read it and found it agreeable and legal until Paul said it wasn't the Founder's Orb but the Crystal of Ami Fey.

Things were going nowhere fast and we said as much until another voice came along and said it would have to go to trial. It was Phoenix!

What a sight for sore eyes! We greeted and asked him what he was doing in Kurain Village. He dropped a bombshell and said Paul had retained him as his lawyer!!!


Wednesday 25 November 2020

145 ace attorney 6 - briefly celebrating our escape

Dear Readers,

After I passed out in the water I came to in Kurain Village to Dhurke smiling and laughing with delight, with him saying it was a good thing my name wasn't Neptune!

I was about to say something when more laughing came from somewhere. It was Datz! He laughed at the snot coming out of my nose.

Trucy wasn't laughing but she was marvelling at my miraculous escape, saying the escape-artist greats couldn't pull this off!

Dhurke apologised for taking so long. He reached the ocean but figured I still couldn't swim, so he found a local fisherman and had him take us out near the undersea cavern. The fisherman tied a rope around him so he could come grab me and we could be yanked back, explaining what pulled us under. That explains what pulled us under.

Trucy said she helped in my escape act too!

Dhurke went on, saying he helped compatriots escape from mountain jails and island prisons but an undersea cavern was a first!

I told Dhurke I was only alive because of him and I thanked him. He said I was welcome and that he did what any father would do for his son... I got that image again of Nahyuta and myself as kids being rescued by him. He said the same thing back then too...

My stomach started growling and Dhurke laughed, saying seawater didn't make much of a meal! Trucy said it was because I didn't have any sushi that Dhurke got us this morning. Datz remembered Dhurke asking him to buy this lovely big plate of sushi he got for me! Dhurke said he figured I was hungry and asked if I was ready to have some this time round. I said yeah and thanked them!

I tucked in and it was delicious! Music played from after you win a court case and it was nice! Dhurke and Datz tucked in too and it was like old times when Dhurke caught raw fish for us to eat.

Datz asked to see the orb and I showed it to him. He and Trucy were dazzled. Dhurke wanted to celebrate the eve of our revolution, saying we'll get dressed up and feast till dawn! Datz was all for it but I wanted to go to bed after all that just happened.

I thought about Nahyuta and wished he were here with us like this. I thought maybe one day we could have happy days like this together once again.

Just then, I was snapped out of it by someone saying they were here for their crystal. It was Paul Atishon again. UGHHH.

He arrived in his carrier thing (I've already forgotten what it's called) claiming he knew I could do it as he was an excellent judge of character as a politician and blah blah. He said he was impressed we made it out of the cave alive.

I said wait a second, HE was the one who shoved us into that pit? He said he just nudged us in the right direction.

Dhurke was not impressed. He went very quiet until a flash of fury came over him and he gave Paul a fearsome glare, calling him a no good, son of a...

Paul withdrew into his carrier and pulled down the shutter in fear, but still had the nerve to demand the Crystal of Ami Fey for himself.

Dhurke barked back saying it was over his dead body. Paul called for the detective, that being Ema. 

Ema said Paul filed a police report, saying we were trying to steal his family heirloom!

Tuesday 24 November 2020

144 ace attorney 6 - the rising water

Dear Readers,

Dhurke and I had to find a way out of here. The hole we fell through was in the ceiling and it was too high up to return through it.

Dhurke already had a notion to swim out of here through the lake, which tasted salty to him and was a telltale sign of it being connected to the ocean. Before I could stop him he was gone, saying he'd come back for me in no time. I waited.

Twenty minutes later, I was hoping he was okay. All of a sudden there was a rumbling! The water from the lake was rising and filling the room quickly!

I was submerged and had to figure a way out, or at least to survive. I grabbed onto the driftwood and held firm.

I observed the puzzle box was still in place, even though the water had risen above it. I then figured the doctor must've walked out of here at low tide and came in at high tide, explaining the single set of footprints.

I didn't have much time to think. I examined everything until the water rose to the top of the altar and eventually rose so high that I could reach the hole we fell through! It seemed so simple until I saw that it was full of rubble that must've clogged it when we fell through.

Everything went black and my life was flashing before my eyes. I remembered when Nahyuta and I got swept up in the rapids when we were kids. Dhurke called out to us to hold on and he saved us. He held us both in his arms as we held onto him, crying our eyes out. I told him I was sorry and he said that was enough, saying didn't he teach us that boys didn't cry.

I thought back to another memory, that time when Dhurke left me in America. He promised he'd come back when things settled back home. I waited and waited but he never came and that's why I tried to forget about him and my life back in Khura'in.

I drifted away until I heard a voice. It became clearer until I could hear it call my name and saying I still couldn't swim. It was a smiling Dhurke, holding me in his arm as he held on to something with the other. He said he told me he'd come back and I was like but but... and he said to stop talking or I'd bite my tongue.

Just then we got pulled under! Everything went black again.

Monday 23 November 2020

143 ace attorney 6 - dhurke and i talk about nahyuta

Dear Readers,

Dhurke talked about the orb some more. This was stolen from Khura'in and the Defiant Dragons were being blamed for it, but he had a hunch it was one of the royals who actually did it. He didn't say who it was but he did say that security around the treasure was tight and they had unfettered access. They were turning a blind eye to its loss as well. I asked him why would they want to do that and he said he hadn't figured it out yet.

He did figure that it wasn't anything good, someone royal stealing the treasure and getting someone foreign to study it and pinning the blame on the Defiant Dragons. I said if this went public, then support for the regime would weaken.

Dhurke agreed and added another hunch that he believed there was something even bigger at play here and that would explain whatever the reason was for the orb to be studied in the first place. That would shake the kingdom to the very core and he was going to find out what that was.

I was thinking he was probably right as his instinct was usually spot on. I asked him why he was so bent on revolution, if it was to reform the legal system. He said it was but it was also for his children - he wanted to save Nahyuta.

I asked him what he meant and told him I met him in the courtroom when I defended Trucy. I said he seemed like a totally different person than from when we were kids. He tried to wrongfully convict Trucy, he told me I had a "putrid mind" and that I should "let it go, and move on"

Dhurke said Nahyuta wasn't like that when he first stepped into the courtroom. He had a sense of justice and swore to bring down the Ga'ran regime, but that was five years ago. Dhurke said he was the shining star and the greatest hope of the Defiant Dragons.

That was news to me. I asked Dhurke why would Nahyuta go through such a change? He said something must've happened to him... but still, he didn't think Nahyuta truly believed in that new path he took. He said it wasn't conviction that filled his heart, but resignation and despair.

Wow... I always knew there was something false about Nahyuta and it really got on my nerves, but it appears that he is actually suffering a lot. Dhurke said exactly what I was thinking and added that Nahyuta must be suffering in silence.

Dhurke said Nahyuta knows what the true legal system should be in Khura'in, but something was forcing him to bend to Ga'ran's will and it was tearing him apart.

I asked Dhurke if Nahyuta really wanted to reform the legal system and he said as long as he carried what Dhurke taught him in his heart, Dhurke believed it.

I recited "A dragon never yields", the saying that Dhurke always told us and how it meant that we should never bend our will or give up in our pursuit of the truth. I thought about how he was just like Phoenix.

Dhurke showed me his old attorney's badge. He held onto it, even though there weren't any more lawyers in Khura'in. He believed the legal system would be restored to its former glory and that this badge was a testament to that belief.

I wondered if Nahyuta still believed in what Dhurke taught us. Dhurke then said he was sure he did and recited "A dragon never yields" in voiced dialogue! He also put out his palm, which looked all dramatic in 3D!

Dhurke wanted to free Nahyuta from the clutches of the regime and to smack some sense into him, asking what else were fathers for with a jolly laugh!

With the Founder's Orb in our possession it was time to move on to the next problem, how to get out of here.

Nahyuta has been a horrible opponent this whole time and the prospect of reforming him is pretty appealing to me. It's very hard to imagine him as any kind of a brother or step-brother right now.