Monday 31 December 2018

121 night in the woods - meeting sadie the saxophonist

The music changed to a saxophone thing with a drum beat. I doodled seven birds in my journal and wrote "HELLA BIRDS". What was this place?

Sunday 30 December 2018

120 night in the woods - rooftop exploration expands!

Dear Readers,

I went to Angus and Gregg's part of town and into Video Outpost "Too" to see Angus.

Saturday 29 December 2018

119 night in the woods - the weird room

Dear Readers,

I found a bedroom in the building where Mallard was kept! It was under the stairs in that space that didn't go anywhere, but suddenly goes somewhere now!

Thursday 27 December 2018

117 night in the woods - salvaging with mr. salvi

Dear Readers,

I went down into the tunnel and saw "Fisherman" Jones down here again. I have a name for him now at least!

Tuesday 25 December 2018

115 night in the woods - lori m's creepy movie

Dear Readers,

While strolling downtown, I noticed the pregnant lady I saw before was now pushing a baby stroller. Congrats to her :)

Monday 24 December 2018

Sunday 23 December 2018

113 night in the woods - exploring the bridge outside town

Dear Readers,

It was indeed nice and sunny outside. New music too! Also, the construction workers were finally finished! I could now explore areas to the right.

Saturday 22 December 2018

112 night in the woods - startin' to feel tired

Dear Readers,

The next morning, the purple turnip of bad news talked about more shark attacks happening when sea levels continue to rise. I went online to messages from my buddies.

Friday 21 December 2018

111 night in the woods - dreaming of scary silhouettes and freaky fish

Dear Readers,

Another weird dream. I'm standing by the four posts as usual. As I type this I see a giant fish swimming past and the silhouette of what looks like an upside down dead guy, floating upwards briefly before disappearing again. Let's get through this...

Thursday 20 December 2018

110 night in the woods - online ghost hunter chat

Dear Readers,

Before going to bed, of course I had to go online and chat with my buddies one last time before hitting the hay! We ghost hunters now!

Tuesday 18 December 2018

108 night in the woods - our ghost action plan!

Dear Readers,

The scene shifted to Gregg and Angus' apartment. I stood before Angus, Gregg and Bea, who were all sitting on the couch. I thanked them for coming to this super important meeting. Angus said they lived here. Indeed they did! Anyway...

Monday 17 December 2018

Saturday 15 December 2018

Friday 14 December 2018

104 night in the woods - destroy all jobs!

Dear Readers,

Bea and I got to the elevator and went to the second floor of the library. I wanted to explore a bit!

Thursday 13 December 2018

103 night in the woods - enter the library

Dear Readers,

"Look! Jobs!" Bea said, as if they were a thing of ancient history. She and I arrived at the library and saw this romanticised mural of coal miners.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

102 night in the woods - let's split up and look for clues, gang!

Dear Readers,

After we played "Pumpkin Head Guy", I told everyone about the dreams I had been having lately and about the thing I saw last night.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

101 night in the woods - the pumpkin head guy disaster

Dear Readers,

Not feeling any better after talking to Molly about what I saw, I went in to see Gregg at work.

Monday 10 December 2018

100 night in the woods - aunt molly did not have a good halloween

Dear Readers,

Any sign of Aunt Molly's presence was dead serious. I couldn't even jump on her car. I climbed to the top of the steps by the Food Donkey where she was parked and she was up there. She immediately started asking questions.

Sunday 9 December 2018

99 night in the woods - germ's weird bad time

Dear Readers,

Even on this wet, dreary day, Germ was out by the Food Donkey. I was surprised to see that Aunt Molly's police car was next to him.

Saturday 8 December 2018

98 night in the woods - funny news and danny's new job

Dear Readers,

I went to Gregg and Angus' part of town. The inside of Video Outpost "Too" looks so nice and colourful and warm compared to the dreary day outside! Perhaps another reason why it's still in business :)

Friday 7 December 2018

Thursday 6 December 2018

Wednesday 5 December 2018

95 night in the woods - miss rosa talks a lot about granddad

Dear Readers,

There was no option to nab pretzels in the tunnel this time! I wonder if I messed up my chance... In any case, I had another chat with Miss Rosa.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

94 night in the woods - at least lori m had a good halloween

Dear Readers,

I climbed up the rooftops and was glad to see Lori M, even though I wouldn't wish this rainy day on anyone.

Monday 3 December 2018

93 night in the woods - escaping war and telezoft

Dear Readers,

The Harfest poster was now gone from the noticeboard. Everything else was still there though. I went exploring this part of town and did my usual rounds.

Sunday 2 December 2018

92 night in the woods - spotting big snake and gramercy the medium stars

Dear Readers,

Why the heck was Mr. Chazokov out on the roof with his telescope on this overcast, rainy day? I climbed up to have a chat with him.

Saturday 1 December 2018

Friday 30 November 2018

Wednesday 28 November 2018

88 night in the woods - waking up after harfest

Dear Readers,

Waking up this morning was a little different. The music sounded different as I was dozing. Instead of a chime it's a deeper sound. I then drew the most terrifying doodle I made yet.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

87 night in the woods - the well?

Dear Readers,

I found myself in a very dark place with creepy, atmospheric sounds and a dark, red light over the horizon with trees around. Was I dreaming again? The scene shifted so abruptly...

Monday 26 November 2018

86 night in the woods - something horrible actually happens

Dear Readers,

After the pageant, Bea, Gregg and I stood outside the Ol' Pickaxe. It was all dark and moody and quiet now and the Harfest festivities were over.

Sunday 25 November 2018

85 night in the woods - bea's pageant

Dear Readers,

The Ol' Pickaxe was drastically different from the Harfest festivities outside. It was dead silent in here. Bea was here and Danny was here too. I guess he found work.

Saturday 24 November 2018

84 night in the woods - harfest festival time!

Dear Readers,

Before leaving the house I called out for anyone but then figured they went out already. I immediately went down to the area at the bottom of the church steps to check out the parade!

Thursday 22 November 2018

Wednesday 21 November 2018

81 night in the woods - meeting germ's friends

Dear Readers,

I was hoping to see Germ by the Food Donkey again but he wasn't there. However, I found him at the top of the steps and he was with someone...

Sunday 18 November 2018

78 night in the woods - lori m loves halloween

Dear Readers

I couldn't go into the Ol' Pickaxe but Lori M was here on the seat nearby and off the roof for the first time since I first met her.

Saturday 17 November 2018

77 night in the woods - harfest festival preparations

Dear Readers,

The town council were gathered at the bottom of the church steps, in front of Fat Pocket Pawn. I eavesdropped on their conversation...

Friday 16 November 2018

76 night in the woods - selmers loves halloween

Dear Readers,

Selmers had some cool Halloween decorations in her windows! I had a chat with her and listened to another poem...

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Tuesday 13 November 2018

73 night in the woods - weird train dream

Dear Readers,

It was crazy dream #4! I found myself in a very dark and unsettled place, with train sounds, very fast smoke blowing by and a weird woozy camera like when I was using the crossbow earlier.

Monday 12 November 2018

Sunday 11 November 2018

Saturday 10 November 2018

70 night in the woods - gregg opens up and shares

Dear Readers,

Gregg skipped past the target and I followed him, towards the lake where he stood and gazed out at it.

Friday 9 November 2018

69 night in the woods - nice crossbow shooting

Dear Readers,

We laid a while after breaking the big log. Gregg then sprung up on his feet and skipped off to the right without explanation. I got up and ran after him.

Thursday 8 November 2018

68 night in the woods - our dumb knife game

Dear Readers,

The Snack Falcon was having Spooky Savings! I didn't see any other special Halloweeny thing going on but Gregg was even more excited to get out from behind the counter and go do something.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

67 night in the woods - hanging out with germ in the big empty car park

Dear Readers,

I went to the Food Donkey. It had its own music playing this time! Some nice strumming with a gentle beat. I chatted with Germ again.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

66 night in the woods - cj the lawyer, smelter smalltalk, more jobs lost

Dear Readers,

I went to Angus and Gregg's part of town. A childhood friend visits, I see another side to the Smelters fans, and I get some bad news about local jobs.

Monday 5 November 2018

65 night in the woods - what bruce saw...

Dear Readers,

I went out to see Bruce again today but he wasn't at his camp. He was further on towards the dead end.

Friday 2 November 2018

Thursday 1 November 2018

1 new ghostbusters ii - zapping ghosts for halloween without internet

Dear Readers,

Lately I've been having internet connection problems and decided to play some of this game. Nice one to play for Halloween as well!

Wednesday 31 October 2018

Tuesday 30 October 2018

60 night in the woods - selmers and fruit snacks

Dear Readers,

Some nice jack o'lanterns in Selmers' part of town as well. She asked me what was good and I had some choices off the top of my head...

Monday 29 October 2018

59 night in the woods - coming soon... halloween!

Dear Readers,

I left my room and did my usual routine, chatting with the bird, checking on the crawlspace, chatting with mom...

Sunday 28 October 2018

58 night in the woods - friends are busy at work... but they're still friends :)

Dear Readers,

After the third unsettling dream in a row it was morning. I went straight back online to messages from Bea and Gregg.

Saturday 27 October 2018

57 night in the woods - another dream with the musicians and another scary creature

Dear Readers,

It was the third crazy dream in a row. I trotted past some broken wagon wheels and nearly jumped out of my skin when I activated the creepy noisy light.

Friday 26 October 2018

Thursday 25 October 2018

55 night in the woods - chatting with dad about work

Dear Readers,

It was nice to be home. It was a hard day of being electrocuted and I needed rest. I chatted with dad first though.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

54 night in the woods - electrifying fun with gregg

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I went back to his apartment after our latest crime. The music was the same but it was super groovy now with an awesome bass line! Must be a nighttime version or apartment version or something!

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Monday 22 October 2018

52 night in the woods - chatting with the hiker and germ at the food donkey

Dear Readers,

I went in to Video Outpost "Too" to see Angus. When I saw his co-worker I remembered he was out of town. She didn't have anything else to say from the last time I spoke to her. I thought of poor Gregg, at work and all sore on this wet day with no Angus. I explored this part of town more before going to see him.

Sunday 21 October 2018

51 night in the woods - chatting with bruce on this rainy day

Dear Readers,

I wanted to see how Bruce was doing on this dreary rainy day, so I went out from church to go see him. He wasn't alone...

Saturday 20 October 2018

Thursday 18 October 2018

48 night in the woods - a rainy misty day in possum springs

Dear Readers,

I went outside to a very rainy Possum Springs. It was a very grey day and the music changed to suit the grey mood.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Tuesday 16 October 2018

46 night in the woods - dreaming of musicians and a big freaky thing with glowing eyes

Dear Readers,

I had another dream! The second one in a row. I found myself in a dark, rainy place with four posts that had holes in them.

Monday 15 October 2018

45 night in the woods - watching garbo & malloy with dad

Dear Readers,

When I got home I told my dad I didn't drink at the party and he said it works better if I let him accuse me first. Oops! We chatted about what I did tonight and I said I helped Gregg move stuff.

Sunday 14 October 2018

44 night in the woods - gregg's future plans

Dear Readers,

Gregg and I stood next to the big heavy rabbit head we carried up to his apartment. We were shattered. He said he was gonna look up how to fix it and that Angus wouldn't be back for the night. We went to the Clik Clak for food!

Saturday 13 October 2018

43 night in the woods - trying not to get killed on the stairwell

Dear Readers,

I don't know how we managed it, but Gregg and I managed to carry the big rabbit head all the way from the Food Donkey to the stairwell of his apartment building. It still smelled strongly of glue.

Friday 12 October 2018

Thursday 11 October 2018

41 night in the woods - weird autumn at band practice

Dear Readers,

I know that there different paths in this game to take and I want to start with Gregg! I went to see him at work.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

40 night in the woods - going to church, meeting mom at work, pastor kate and bruce

Dear Readers,

Now that I had access to the church, I wanted to check it out. Great chance to as well on this beautiful sunset autumn evening. The tune that played was a more mellow version of the town theme.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

39 night in the woods - my new rat babies

Dear Readers,

I found an open window upstairs in the Telezoft building. I was able to open the window and go inside!

Monday 8 October 2018

38 night in the woods - cosy rooftop chat with lori m

Dear Readers,

Now that I could climb on more powerlines, I explored the rooftops of the town near the church steps.

Sunday 7 October 2018

37 night in the woods - the rooftops of snack falcon and video outpost "too"

Dear Readers,

I was gonna see Gregg, but I first wanted to do more exploring now that I could climb up on the powerlines in this area!

Saturday 6 October 2018

36 night in the woods - germ!

Dear Readers,

I exited the tunnel and met Jeremy Warton by the Snack Falcon, or Germ as he's usually known, short for his nickname "Germ Warfare". His bright green speech font seemed to suit that name! I hope he doesn't use that on Twitch!

Friday 5 October 2018

35 night in the woods - the start of miss rosa's stories about granddad

Dear Readers,

I went down into the tunnel again. I couldn't believe they kept this place open. I wondered if it was because it was of historical note or if the old people liked the pierogi stand. I concluded it was the amazing ability of old people to get state funding.

Thursday 4 October 2018

34 night in the woods - stargazing with mr. chazokov - identifying dohr and castys and learning their tales

Dear Readers,

I climbed up on the powerlines and Selmers' roof to see Mr. Chazokov and his telescope. Had I obeyed mom, I wouldn't have been able to go stargazing!

Wednesday 3 October 2018

33 night in the woods - selmers, fellow journal keeper and poet

Dear Readers,

Bad party or good, it was a new day with new possibilities! I set out from home with the intention of going to see Gregg.

Monday 1 October 2018

31 night in the woods - post party regret

Dear Readers,

After my very bad night in the woods at the party and my crazy vivid dream, I woke with lots of regret.

Sunday 30 September 2018

30 night in the woods - dreaming of the pointing statue

Dear Readers,

I had an intense fever dream. I was in a dark place in the woods, holding a baseball bat, with no light around except my own glow and the glow from my nightmare eyes. The music was ominous, creepy, nostalgic and tense.

Saturday 29 September 2018

Friday 28 September 2018

Thursday 27 September 2018

27 night in the woods - getting ready for the party in front of the mirror

Dear Readers,

Before the party I went in home to find mom and dad in the kitchen. They had just made tacos for dinner! They asked if I wanted some.

Wednesday 26 September 2018

26 night in the woods - molly's warning

Dear Readers,

When I got home, Aunt Molly was waiting for me outside our door. She said she was just stopping by to see if I was alright. I talked back, saying why wouldn't I be alright and she said something very ominous...

Tuesday 25 September 2018

25 night in the woods - asking bea for a ride to the party

Dear Readers,

For the first time I went in to the Ol' Pickaxe to see Bea to ask her for a ride to the party. She was already dealing with an employee named Bill.

Monday 24 September 2018

24 night in the woods - recruiting the navy guy for my shark club and gregg's party excitement

Dear Readers,

Outside the Social Security Administration office was a recruiter for the navy. I didn't know who it was until I saw the sign. His name was Wags.

Sunday 23 September 2018

Friday 21 September 2018

21 night in the woods - the morning before the party

Dear Readers,

Straight after waking up I got on the computer. Typical thing to do I know! There was a message from Gregg.

Thursday 20 September 2018

Wednesday 19 September 2018

19 night in the woods - first IM conversations with buddies and my own memories of IM

Dear Readers,

Thanks to Angus, my laptop was now all fixed! Woo! I sat down for a comfy evening, chatting with my buddies online, the gentle hum of the laptop's fan also keeping me company.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

18 night in the woods - angus' magic computer fix

Dear Readers,

I walked right in to Gregg and Angus' apartment as the door was open. The music here was a nice friendly, homely theme with a gentle beat. Angus welcomed me in. He was a little startled, saying he could've been in his underwear. I said "don't wear pants on my account!" haha :)

Monday 17 September 2018

17 night in the woods - the intercom at gregg and angus' apartment building

Dear Readers,

I went to Gregg and Angus' apartment building, the one with the number 1063 in front of it. Had to find Angus for computer help!

Sunday 16 September 2018

16 night in the woods - looking for angus, browsing the snack falcon and video outpost "too"

Dear Readers,

I continued looking for Angus. I went in to his workplace at Video Outpost "Too", but he wasn't there. It was just a girl who asked if she could help me and I said I didn't think so... I had a bit of trouble finding Angus last time I played this. I checked out the store though.

Saturday 15 September 2018

15 night in the woods - running into mr. penderson

Dear Readers,

When I left the house to go see Angus I heard a "Hey! You kid!". It was Mr. Penderson, noticing I had come back.

Friday 14 September 2018

14 night in the woods - pop up problem on laptop

Dear Readers,

The next morning I realised it had been 36 hours since I was last online. "This shall not stand" I declared and fired up my laptop to something really bad...

Thursday 13 September 2018

13 night in the woods - the severed arm

Dear Readers,

My friends and I left the Clik Clak Diner. Just when I was saying how great it felt to be back and Gregg saying we could hang out everyday, our good humour was dampened when we noticed a dismembered arm on the ground. We decided to do the right thing and... poke it with a stick.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Monday 10 September 2018

10 night in the woods - reunion with gregg!

Dear Readers,

I went in to the Snack Falcon to see Gregg, who I haven't seen in a long time! Straight away we connected like old buddies :)

Sunday 9 September 2018

9 night in the woods - possum springs flooded tunnel

Dear Readers,

I continued to the next part of town which had mewing cats (not me) and Video Outpost "Too" among other things.

Thursday 6 September 2018

6 night in the woods - home again with mom and dad and space dragon

Dear Readers,

The police drove me home. I walked right in to my dad who was sitting on the couch and said "Hey! Remember me?". This gave him a good scare. I was pretty mad at him and mom for not picking me up...

Wednesday 5 September 2018

5 night in the woods - getting busted by the cops at the abandoned playground

Dear Readers,

I came out of the woods and onto the old playground, which was still here but it was closed down. I hadn't been here in about 10 years so I was reminiscing on old times. Some musical instruments chimed in...

Tuesday 4 September 2018

4 night in the woods - almost dying in a swampy landfill during my first night in the woods

Dear Readers,

I left the bus station. It was dark and my mom and dad weren't here at all to pick me up. I had to make my own way home through the woods.

Monday 3 September 2018

3 night in the woods - hanging out with the bus station janitor

Dear Readers,

Now to play the game and blog about it loads! Like I said before I love that Mae's face and "nightmare eyes" fill up the screen in a still image while the game is loading up. I started a new save file and got going.

Saturday 1 September 2018

2 night in the woods - playing the switch in docked mode and with different controllers

Dear Readers,

Someday I'll play this game in more detail because I want to take my time with it, but for now, I started a new file over again from the beginning.

Friday 31 August 2018

181 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at wetlands stable

Dear Readers,

I decided to hang out at Wetland Stable. I passed by here a bit quickly when I met Pikango here. It was nighttime when I arrived.

Sunday 26 August 2018

176 zelda breath of the wild - total recall of all 12 memories at last! remembering princess zelda crying in despair

Dear Readers,

With Pikango's clue on the twelfth photograph memory spot, I explored the forest south of Wetland Stable. It was either there or on the other side of the river.

Saturday 25 August 2018

175 zelda breath of the wild - finally getting a lead on the twelfth photograph memory!

Dear Readers,

I continued north from the Ranch Ruins, looking for apples and maybe a shrine. I detected a shrine to the east. I went in this direction and also spotted smoke coming from the top of a tall mound. I climbed this mound and met a lady named Benny. She talked about adventuring in general and looking from somewhere up high to get bearings. It paid off as I took a look at the shrine from up here and spotted a nearby stable I hadn't found yet! Woo! My hope to find Pikango for clues again was restored! :D

Friday 24 August 2018

174 zelda breath of the wild - exploring bottomless swamp and ranch ruins

Dear Readers,

I decided to look for the spot in the twelfth photograph again. The only clue I had was that it was in a forest and there were apples in it, so I set the radar for apples!

Thursday 23 August 2018

Wednesday 22 August 2018

172 zelda breath of the wild - spelling trouble in ree dahee shrine

Dear Readers,

After completing the two shrines at Duelling Peaks, I found another shrine at the base, between the two mountains. Talk about a cluster of shrines! It was Ree Dahee Shrine and the trial was "Timing Is Critical".

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Monday 20 August 2018

170 zelda breath of the wild - gathering intel at shee vaneer shrine

Dear Readers,

I went into Shee Vaneer Shrine to take on the "Twin Memories" trial. I had to coordinate with the same trial in Shee Venath Shrine in order to complete both shrines. Nice way to implement the twin theme at Duelling Peaks :)

Sunday 19 August 2018

169 zelda breath of the wild - climbing the southern of the duelling peaks

Dear Readers,

I left the shrine on the northern of the Duelling Peaks and glided over to the southern one. This peak was higher and the shrine was near the top.

Friday 17 August 2018

167 zelda breath of the wild - climbing the northern of the duelling peaks

Dear Readers,

I decided to climb Duelling Peaks. Whenever I have a chance to take a nice look around the countryside, this area always sticks out, especially since it has a shrine on it!

Thursday 16 August 2018

166 zelda breath of the wild - the birth of tarrey town!

Dear Readers,

I decided to do update some side quests at Hateno Village, since I now had the means. Some big changes going on!

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Monday 13 August 2018

163 zelda breath of the wild - finding the zora helm

Dear Readers,

I became interested in finding the Zora Helm ever since I read that inscription at the back of Zora's Domain. I went out the east gate to look for it.

Saturday 11 August 2018

Thursday 9 August 2018

159 zelda breath of the wild - mingling with friendly and not so friendly zoras

Dear Readers,

Before going with Prince Sidon to chat with King Dorephan, I decided to hang around and mingle with the Zora locals for a while. Many were very welcoming and friendly like I mentioned before, but I soon learned that not all of them were happy to see me...

Wednesday 8 August 2018

158 zelda breath of the wild - why i'm visiting the zoras first

Dear Readers,

I crossed the Great Zora Bridge straight into Zora's Domain, where I met with Prince Sidon. We had lots to talk about.

Monday 6 August 2018

156 zelda breath of the wild - meeting prince sidon of the zora

Dear Readers,

I wasn't sure where to go next. I decided to go to Inogo Bridge and chat with Prince Sidon of the Zoras. When I got there, a voiced cutscene happened.

Sunday 5 August 2018

155 zelda breath of the wild - my first guardian stalker battles!

Dear Readers,

After fearing and avoiding them for so long, I decided to face some Guardian Stalkers! I warped to the Central Tower and sought them out.

Saturday 4 August 2018

154 zelda breath of the wild - kicking butt at soh kofi shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to take on the shrine near Lanayru Tower as well. It was called "Soh Kofi Shrine" and the trial was called "A Minor Test Of Strength". Another combat trial with a Guardian Scout!

Friday 3 August 2018

153 zelda breath of the wild - scoopin' balls in daka tuss shrine

Dear Readers,

I glided north from Kakariko Village into the Lanayru Wetlands. There was a shrine down there that always stuck out and now I finally decided to check it out. It was called Daka Tuss Shrine and "Sunken Scoop" was the name of its trial. By gliding right to it I didn't have to deal with all the Lizalfos around!

Thursday 2 August 2018

152 zelda breath of the wild - flipping the barrier at rota ooh shrine

Dear Readers,

I badly needed some vittles, so I made some Simmered Fruit dishes at Outskirt Stable before taking on the trial at the nearby Rota Ooh Shrine. It was called "Passing Of The Gates".

Wednesday 1 August 2018

1 night in the woods - cosy first gameplay session during a power cut

Dear Readers,

Some time ago I had a power cut at home one night. It was the perfect chance to finally try out this game for myself on the Nintendo Switch!

Tuesday 31 July 2018

151 zelda breath of the wild - swinging crazy at mogg latan shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to visit Lord Satori since the mountain was glowing again and see if I could get anything out of it. Afterwards I visited Mogg Latan Shrine nearby to complete the trial there.

Monday 30 July 2018

150 zelda breath of the wild - fooling horseback bokoblins

Dear Readers,

I'm never going to stop having fun with this new Bokoblin mask! I warped to Kakariko Village because I remembered there were some Bokoblins on horseback outside the village. I picked up some fairies too.

Sunday 29 July 2018

149 zelda breath of the wild - blending in with the bokoblin mask!

Dear Readers,

I was dying to try out my new Bokoblin Mask! I warped to the Great Plateau and sought out the first Bokoblins I could find!

Saturday 28 July 2018

Friday 27 July 2018

147 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at rito stable

Dear Readers,

I went looking for another stable. I decided to search in the Tabantha Region. I warped to the tower and glided to the road again.

Thursday 26 July 2018

146 zelda breath of the wild - finding kilton on skull lake's left eye

Dear Readers,

I waited until nightfall at Skull Lake. I wanted to find Kilton at his mysterious shop called the Fang and Bone. I heard a lot about this guy recently. On the left eye I spotted something glowing down there so I glided down towards him.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

145 zelda breath of the wild - zuma kai's shrine at skull lake's right eye

Dear Readers,

I decided to run to the shrine Jerrin told me about in the shrine quest "The Skull's Eye". It came to be known as Zuna Kai Shrine.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Monday 23 July 2018

143 zelda breath of the wild - blue flame restored to akkala ancient tech lab!

Dear Readers,

With the furnace lit, I revived Cherry and went inside to speak to Robbie at the Ancient Akkala Tech Lab. He thought it was the power of love that bright it back haha! I guess it was good to keep the hope alive at least!

Saturday 21 July 2018

Friday 20 July 2018

140 zelda breath of the wild - exploring akkala falls and finding the great fairy mija

Dear Readers,

I decided to mess around randomly in Akkala for a while. I glided down from the tower towards Akkala Falls and ran along the road for a bit.

Thursday 19 July 2018

139 zelda breath of the wild - more upgrading with purah and trekking to hickaly woods

Dear Readers,

I went back to Purah to power up my remote bombs. I gave her three ancient shafts and my two bombs upgraded to bombs with a + sign! They're more powerful now and the cooldown rate is much faster too so that's good.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Tuesday 17 July 2018

137 zelda breath of the wild - making waterfall ice pillars at ha dahamar shrine

Dear Readers,

Ha Dahamar Shrine was surrounded by spikes. I glided in okay, but I didn't have a way of leaving easily. I decided to just do "The Water Guides" trial while I was there.

Monday 16 July 2018

136 zelda breath of the wild - star fragment detour at fort hateno

Dear Readers,

I took a notion to go to Fort Hateno. So far it was the only place I had seen in the game so far that had a free bed to sleep in. I wanted to see if I could find a handy shrine around there to warp to.

Sunday 15 July 2018

135 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at outskirt stable

Dear Readers,

I was off the trail again until I could find a clue about the twelfth photograph memory. In the meantime I decided to hang out at Outskirt Stable.

Saturday 14 July 2018

134 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at woodland stable

Dear Readers,

I warped back to Woodland Tower and went south instead of north this time. Almost immediately I found the Woodland Stable and its local shrine, Mirro Shaz Shrine. Well! That was embarrassing! I should've taken a right turn instead of a left turn! I got lost like Bugs Bunny :) Pikango wasn't here unfortunately but I hung out here for a while anyway.

Friday 13 July 2018

133 zelda breath of the wild - trekking across the deplian badlands

Dear Readers,

I went completely clockwise around the Thyphlo Ruins and trekked east across the badlands. I still had no idea where to find the Woodland Stable but I continued exploring anyway.

Thursday 12 July 2018

132 zelda breath of the wild - circling round thyphlo ruins

Dear Readers,

Night fell and I stayed on the mountaintops, even when I reached the Thyphlo Ruins. I looked all around and had no idea where to find the Woodland Stable. It was just badlands all around too. The ruins themselves were shrouded in this weird black cloud. When dawn broke I glided down towards them.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

131 zelda breath of the wild - searching for the woodland stable

Dear Readers,

Now to look for the twelfth and final photograph memory area in the album! It was another tricky one though, as this photograph was mostly trees. In the centre was just a path going through this forest. I decided to seek out the Woodland Stable so I warped to the Woodland Tower. I thought maybe I'll find a Pikango clue there.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

130 zelda breath of the wild - remembering princess zelda at sanidin park ruins

Dear Readers,

Thanks to Pikango's directions, I immediately hightailed it from the Outskirt Stable to the horse statue at Sanidin Park Ruins. I warped to Mogg Latan Shrine on Satori Mountain so I could glide there more easily :)

Monday 9 July 2018

129 zelda breath of the wild - pikango saves the day again by telling me where the horse statue is

Dear Readers,

I warped back to Central Hyrule. It seemed like here, more than anywhere else that the mountains in the background of the tenth photograph lined up the way they did. Left background, Gerudo Highlands and right background, Satori Mountain.

Sunday 8 July 2018

128 zelda breath of the wild - meeting satori, the lord of the mountain

Dear Readers,

Now to find the spot with the tenth photograph memory! Thankfully, it was much clearer than the last one. It was at a place with a horse statue standing on its hind legs. In the background were the Gerudo Highlands. Time to start warping around! When I warped to Central Tower though, I got distracted by a weird light on Mount Satori to the west...

Saturday 7 July 2018

127 zelda breath of the wild - remembering princess zelda at the spring of power

Dear Readers,

Now that I knew where the ninth photograph memory was, thanks to Pikango, I set off west from East Akkala Stable and towards the Spring Of Power!

Thursday 5 July 2018

Wednesday 4 July 2018

124 zelda breath of the wild - my road trip to east akkala

Dear Readers,

Even though I now had the world map filled in entirely, there were still places I hadn't seen yet. I heard there was an East Akkala Stable so I decided to seek it out.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

123 zelda breath of the wild - activating gerudo tower and filling the map 100%!

Dear Readers,

From Gerudo Stable I started to climb climb climb! I wanted to explore the region north of here I hadn't mapped out yet. It was just a massive mountain range.

Monday 2 July 2018

122 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at gerudo canyon stable

Dear Readers,

Tired from fighting in the Guardian Scout trials, I warped back to Kay Noh Shrine and glided down to the Gerudo Canyon Stable to relax and mingle for a while.

Sunday 1 July 2018

121 zelda breath of the wild - fighting guardian scout iv in tena ko'sah shrine

Dear Readers,

Victorious from the "Minor Test Of Strength" last time, I decided to warp to Tena Ko'sah Shrine and take on the "Major Test Of Strength" against the Guardian Scout IV. I was too frightened to even face it last time!

Saturday 30 June 2018

120 zelda breath of the wild - rematch with the guardian scout iii of muwo jeem shrine! payback time!

Dear Readers,

Emboldened by the prospect of my Thunderblades being super effective against mechanical enemies, I decided to return to Muwo Jeem Shrine to challenge the Guardian Scout III there to a rematch!

Friday 29 June 2018

119 zelda breath of the wild - conducting electricity in kay noh shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to explore the region north of the Gerudo region. The tower there is in an unusual peninsular place too so it was interesting to me. However, I changed plans and went exploring Kay Noh Shrine instead. The trial there was called "Power Of Electricity".

Thursday 28 June 2018

118 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at the snowfield stable while trying not to freeze to death

Dear Readers,

While I still had cold resistance, I decided to set a warp point at the shrine I could see towards the northeast. I jumped off Hebra Tower and glided in that direction. I ran for a while until suddenly this big creature appeared right in front of me.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

117 zelda breath of the wild - mapping out the cold cold hebra region

Dear Readers,

I was feeling brave and decided to explore the cold northwestern region I hadn't mapped out yet. I made some Spicy Elixirs, warped to Tabantha Tower and glided down to the road that lead towards this region.

Monday 25 June 2018

Sunday 24 June 2018

114 zelda breath of the wild - defying conveyor belts in jee noh shrine

Dear Readers,

Continuing my recent shrine excavations where I explored them in more detail rather than just setting a warp point, I returned to Jee Noh Shrine for the On The Move trial.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Monday 18 June 2018

108 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at sarenne stable

Dear Readers,

I decided to do some mingling at one of the stables I had skipped. I went to Sarenne Stable and hung out there for a while.

Sunday 17 June 2018

107 zelda breath of the wild - curing naydra at the spring of wisdom

Dear Readers,

Before I left the Spring Of Courage, I climbed the structure all the way to the top. There was a tree growing on it, and on the tree was a rock. I lifted it for my 36th Korok Seed. I decided to warp to Hateno Village and head towards the Spring Of Wisdom.

Saturday 16 June 2018

106 zelda breath of the wild - exploring deya village ruins and discovering the spring of courage

Dear Readers,

I wandered north into Farosh Hills. I saw some trees in water on the map so I went in that direction. I found loads of Korok Seeds! Loads!

Friday 15 June 2018

105 zelda breath of the wild - escaping hyrule castle to look for the ninth photograph spot

Dear Readers,

I got what I was looking for at the castle, so I decided to flee. I'll come back here again later for subquests and the ending and stuff. I didn't have to glide away either, I was able to just choose "Leave Area" on the map screen!

Thursday 14 June 2018

104 zelda breath of the wild - remembering princess zelda at hyrule castle

Dear Readers,

Just outside Princess Zelda's Study was the shiny spot. I stood there and recalled the memory from the 8th photograph...

Wednesday 13 June 2018

103 zelda breath of the wild - gliding into princess zelda's study

Dear Readers,

I reloaded my save from when I was higher up at the castle and tried my best to find the spot in the 8th photograph on the map.

Sunday 10 June 2018

100 zelda breath of the wild - remembering princess zelda sitting under a tree in the rain

Dear Readers,

This is the first game I've written 100 posts for! Woohoo! :) Now it was time to find the seventh photograph spot. This was easy enough to find!

Saturday 9 June 2018

Wednesday 6 June 2018

96 zelda breath of the wild - mapping out the woodland region

Dear Readers,

From the Eldin mountains I decided to glide all the way to the tower in the region to the west. I thought I might as well, since I was at a good altitude.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

95 zelda breath of the wild - remembering princess zelda in the eldin mountains

Dear Readers,

I glided and climbed towards the west from Eldin Tower, while also trying not to get to close to the heat intensive lava area.

Monday 4 June 2018

94 zelda breath of the wild - mapping out the volcanic eldin region

Dear Readers,

The climb to the tower in this volcanic red rock region wasn't easy! The path was full of Fire Chuchus and Fire Keese!

Sunday 3 June 2018

Saturday 2 June 2018

92 zelda breath of the wild - dealing with the goop while climbing akkala tower

Dear Readers,

I was finally at the top of the mountain with the tower and the Akkala Citadel Ruins. There was that black evil icky goop, the odd Skywatcher looming around and a Decayed Guardian to deal with. Lots of obstacles around this tower.

Friday 1 June 2018

91 zelda breath of the wild - avoiding guardian skywatchers while climbing up akkala citadel ruins

Dear Readers,

I glided from the Mo'a Keet shrine to the region east of there and walked under the bridge and up the hill, looking for a way to climb up to the tower in this region.

Thursday 31 May 2018

90 zelda breath of the wild - the road north of lanayru tower

Dear Readers,

I compared the view from Lanayru Tower to the one in the photograph. This spot was definitely even further to the northeast and much higher up than where I was. I jumped off the tower and glided to the road that was leading to the north.

Wednesday 30 May 2018

89 zelda breath of the wild - until next time, oh lovely gerudos! sav'orq!

Dear Readers,

Right when I was about to play, one of my Joy-Cons' battery went flat. Since I wanted to play in tabletop mode I had to wait for it to charge. Delays!

I saw a guy named Bozai running around outside Gerudo Town. I had a chat with him.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Sunday 27 May 2018

86 zelda breath of the wild - remembering princess zelda at kara kara bazaar

Dear Readers,

From the Wasteland Tower, I could now see what looked like the scene in the fourth photograph memory, so I went gliding to investigate!

Saturday 26 May 2018

85 zelda breath of the wild - climbing wasteland tower and mapping out the gerudo region

Dear Readers,

There were no enemies at the tower in this desert region, but there was some muddy non-evil goop, some stone pillars and metal crates. Hmm... puzzle time I think.

Friday 25 May 2018

84 zelda breath of the wild - gliding from the plateau to the region in the southeast and doing some rock climbing

Dear Readers,

I warped to Keh Namut Shrine before jumping off and gliding to the region to the southwest. Turns out this is where the desert is! Just what I was looking for :) woo! I didn't have to wear my Warm Doublet for long!

Thursday 24 May 2018

Sunday 20 May 2018

79 zelda breath of the wild - climbing faron tower and mapping out the rest of the region

Dear Readers,

I decided to warp back to the Lakeside Stable. I still hadn't this area mapped out yet and I wanted to do that at the tower.

Thursday 17 May 2018

76 zelda breath of the wild - mingling in lurelin village at the seaside for more subquests

Dear Readers,

I rescued the REAL Letty who was having trouble with a Blue Bokoblin. She gave me a Mighty Copious Simmered Fruit as a reward :)

She also said she was thinking of going south to Lover's Pond to maybe find a partner if she was lucky.

A man named Regan was here too. He wanted to find a new life away from his village, away from fishing to find another career.

I continued along this path to Lurelin Village, a town on the coast, which had its own music! Bring in some gentle steel drums :)

Wednesday 16 May 2018

75 zelda breath of the wild - lusty letty? yucky yiga!

Dear Readers,

I tried crossing the bridge near the Lakeside Stable but Farosh was flying around here and its lightning orbs kept shocking me! Can no one else see or be affected by these dragons?!

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Sunday 13 May 2018

72 zelda breath of the wild - a new uncharted area east of faron woods

Dear Readers,

It was nighttime when I left Pumaag Nitae Shrine. I saved Meeshy from some Stalkoblins and she gave me an Energising Honey Crepe :) I continued along the Faron Woods path to the east into the next uncharted region.

Saturday 12 May 2018

Friday 11 May 2018

70 zelda breath of the wild - a walk through faron woods

Dear Readers,

I warped away to make some more health replenishing Simmered Fruit and gather fairies before warping back to the Lake Tower. I wanted to map the region to the east of this one so I followed the road!

Thursday 10 May 2018

69 zelda breath of the wild - a nice trip to lake tower

Dear Readers,

The next photo memory was of a sunset scene with lots of palm trees so I assumed it was near the beach. I warped back to the Great Plateau with the aim of going south to an uncharted region with a beach.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

68 zelda breath of the wild - climbing the goopy tabantha tower

Dear Readers,

I told Toren I made his offering to the Great Fairy. He was happy but didn't give me any reward. Sho said Pikango painted a picture of a bug for her. That's nice :)

Tuesday 8 May 2018

67 zelda breath of the wild - reviving the great fairy kaysa

Dear Readers,

I decided to head towards the tower in the local region from Tena Ko'sah Shrine. I glided over the canyon, over the Guardian Skywatchers to the pillar on the other side. It had a pinwheel on top but it still scared the life out of me when the balloons made a sudden sound when they appeared. Yaah!

Monday 7 May 2018

Friday 4 May 2018

63 zelda breath of the wild - shooting a static pinball at shae loya shrine

Dear Readers,

I stocked up on fairies, arrows and food before going into Shae Loya Shrine, near Tabantha Bridge Stable in the western part of Hyrule Ridge.

Thursday 3 May 2018

62 zelda breath of the wild - meeting lots of friendly people on hyrule ridge road

Dear Readers,

I was still trying to find the spot where the third photograph was taken. While warping between towers, I figured it must be somewhere south of Ridgeland Tower. I glided down from there towards the road in search of the spot in Hyrule Ridge.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

61 zelda breath of the wild - mapping out hyrule ridge on ridgeland tower, chatting with bird-man enthusiast branli

Dear Readers,

I got to the top of the tower and there was someone else up here! A man with glasses named Branli. How the heck did he get up here?! He was in his own world, muttering if only he were a "bird-man". I had an option to say "BOO!" but I decided to just *ahem...* as this was a very precarious spot.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

60 zelda breath of the wild - electricity fight!!

Dear Readers,

Despite all the electric enemy hazards, I decided to approach the tower anyway. It went very badly at first!

Monday 30 April 2018

Sunday 29 April 2018

58 zelda breath of the wild - spotting a guardian skywatcher while looking for clues on the third photograph memory

Dear Readers,

The next picture to recall in the album was the third one. It looked like ruins I recognised from the Plateau, so I warped to the Great Plateau Tower.

Friday 27 April 2018

56 zelda breath of the wild - my three heart stamina replenishing packed lunch strategy

Dear Readers,

I decided to warp away from Lanayru and replenish my food supplies! It was a dark and stormy night so I went to Hateno Village to cook there.

Thursday 26 April 2018

55 zelda breath of the wild - an ice wizzrobe chases me up lanayru tower

Dear Readers,

I crossed the bridge and started climbing the hill on the way to the tower in this region north of Necluda. It was quite eventful!

Wednesday 25 April 2018

54 zelda breath of the wild - gliding into the region north of necluda, meeting friendly zoras

Dear Readers,

I decided to map out the region to the north of Necluda next. I warped to Kakariko Village and headed towards the tower in that region.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Monday 23 April 2018

Saturday 21 April 2018

50 zelda breath of the wild - encountering newer and scarier types of moblins on the hilltop

Dear Readers,

The hill between Kaam Ya'tak Shrine and the tower was not a peaceful one! This area was crawling with new types of Moblins I hadn't met yet!

Friday 20 April 2018

Thursday 19 April 2018

48 zelda breath of the wild - guardian stalkers interrupt my cartography plans

Dear Readers,

I decided to map the area north of the plateau. I also saw a falling star fall in that area too! I glided out there quickly.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

47 zelda breath of the wild - restoring my first captured memory

Dear Readers,

I found my first Captured Memory! It was at the East Gate on Lanayru Road. I started recalling my first memory...

Tuesday 17 April 2018

46 zelda breath of the wild - cowering in fear between a lynel and a cold place

Dear Readers,

I was in a bit of a dilemma! It was too cold to hang around in Naydra Snowfield and the other way was patrolled by a menacing Lynel!

Monday 16 April 2018

45 zelda breath of the wild - climbing the cliff on the way to naydra snowfield

Dear Readers,

From Pikango's directions, I placed a beacon on what looked like the entrance to the Naydra Snowfield and warped to Hateno Tower.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Saturday 14 April 2018

43 zelda breath of the wild - cataloguing the elusive blupee

Dear Readers,

I often find this creature near the shrine at Kakariko on the way to the Fairy Fountain. I went back here especially to take a picture of it! Shooting it with arrows makes it drop rupees so that's handy :)

Friday 13 April 2018

42 zelda breath of the wild - reaching duelling peaks tower and mapping out west necluda

Dear Readers,

I continued towards the tower and through some woods. There I met Giro, a travelling merchant who had set up camp here. I wonder how he got those Hearty Truffles...

Thursday 12 April 2018

41 zelda breath of the wild - gliding from the wind turbines in bosh kala shrine

Dear Readers,

Bosh Kala Shrine was near Proxim Bridge. If it wasn't for Brigo pointing it out to me, I wouldn't have seen it! That was nice of him :) I went inside and started "The Wind Guides You" trial.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

40 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out with brigo of proxim bridge

Dear Readers,

On Proxim Bridge I met a man named Brigo. He was freaked out about the towers popping up in each region and about shrines and Guardians. He said he was here to patrol around the bridge in order to keep monsters away from it as it was an important route. He also had directions to various places.

Monday 9 April 2018

38 zelda breath of the wild - cooking with koko in kakariko

Dear Readers,

Back to Kakariko Village! I haven't mapped this area out yet but I will soon. For now I just hung out here, catching up with subquests and taking more pictures for the Hyrule Compendium.

Friday 6 April 2018

35 zelda breath of the wild - the old equestrian riding course that was now infested with moblins and bokoblins

Dear Readers,

I went back to the plateau to grab a Traveller's Sword to bring back to Nebb. It was the only place I was sure I could find one. He gave me 20 rupees :) Next he wanted me to find a Fire Rod. I never saw one before so that'll have to come along later.

Thursday 5 April 2018

34 zelda breath of the wild - guardian scout iii beats the living daylights out of me

Dear Readers,

A Modest Test Of Strength at the Muwo Jeem Shrine! Despite my battle inexperience, I jumped into the combat trial anyway!

Wednesday 4 April 2018

33 zelda breath of the wild - tiny exploding stone talus

Dear Readers,

I got curious about the shrine at the end of the spit of land to the south of Loshlo Harbour, so I wandered towards there.

Tuesday 3 April 2018

32 zelda breath of the wild - climbing ebon mountain and mining ore deposits

Dear Readers,

I took some pictures of materials I had gathered so far. I also climbed Ebon Mountain and went mining for ore deposits.

Sunday 1 April 2018

1 lode runner legacy - a new version of one of my favourite computer games and that's no joke!

Dear Readers,

I thought I'd try out the demo for the Switch version of this game. I always loved Lode Runner and played it on the Macintosh growing up :)

Saturday 31 March 2018

31 zelda breath of the wild - solving the secret of the three cedar trees on madorna mountain

Dear Readers,

I decided to check out the three cedar trees overlooking the village on the mountain. Clavia told me about them in the shrine quest "Secret Of The Cedars".

Thursday 29 March 2018

29 zelda breath of the wild - clubbing moblins on the way to hateno tower

Dear Readers,

I did some more exploring out of Hateno Village. Wanted to take pictures of more stuff. I also wanted to map this region out so I headed towards the nearest tower.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

28 zelda breath of the wild - pokémon snap of the wild

Dear Readers,

I went out the front gate of the village and did some exploring in the forest nearby. I catalogued lots of mushrooms there.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

27 zelda breath of the wild - cataloguing stuff in hateno village

Dear Readers,

I left the lab and took some more pictures for the compendium! I went to the first farmhouse I saw and snapped some pics of the animals.

Monday 26 March 2018

26 zelda breath of the wild - cataloguing stuff in the hyrule compendium

Dear Readers,

I wanted to do more stuff with the camera and fill up the Hyrule Compendium! Symin gave me a free entry, #187 Warm Safflina. The Sunshroom I snapped earlier was entry #177. He offers to sell me entries but I wanna find them all myself!

Sunday 25 March 2018

25 zelda breath of the wild - trying to remember how to use the camera

Dear Readers,

It's been a long long time. I'm still hanging around Hateno Village and I need to get up to speed on what I'm doing and where I'm going.

Saturday 24 March 2018

24 zelda breath of the wild - i haven't played this game in five months so i spent twenty minutes downloading the update

Dear Readers,

Been a long time since I played this! I popped the cartridge into the Switch and chose the option to download the update. This is the waiting game!

Friday 23 March 2018

3 kirby star allies - this game has an "unfriend" button!

Dear Readers,

I tried the demo levels again but this time I tried to find the Spider ability and to play as much as I can play as just Kirby.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

1 kirby star allies - trying out the grasslands demo

Dear Readers,

I wanted to get around to trying this demo sooner but I was really hooked on Radiant Historia's demo :) now to give this new Kirby a chance!

Tuesday 20 March 2018

31 radiant historia - it took me 12 hours just to finish this amazingly generous demo!

Dear Readers,

We defeated the Granorg soldiers that invaded the fortress. We had to continue holding it down though and confront the enemy's commander.

Monday 19 March 2018

30 radiant historia - disarming the bombs in the sand fortress

Dear Readers,

Having exhausted the demo for one timeline, I went back to the other with my new hidden object finding powers.

Sunday 18 March 2018

29 radiant historia - the demo ends on a shocking cliffhanger

Dear Readers,

We arrived in Granorg! Marco and Raynie expected the place to be in a better condition than this. We pressed on into the city to look for the agent.

Saturday 17 March 2018

28 radiant historia - aht's shaman powers

Dear Readers,

We went back to the campsite for the night with the firewood and fresh meat. Aht was all chatty and dancey, showing off her performance skills. She then gave me a parting gift, a White Page.

Friday 16 March 2018

27 radiant historia - aht and the big piggy

Dear Readers,

With my new sword dancing skills I went back in time to before the border guards stopped us from crossing.

Thursday 15 March 2018

26 radiant historia - i finally learn sword dancing!

Dear Readers,

Historia was its usual peaceful self. It's a far cry from the Sand Fortress, which was now all ablaze and covered in rubble and smoke from the explosions of the invaders. I sought the help of the Satyros I needed from the other timeline.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

25 radiant historia - sand fortress under fire

Dear Readers,

We stayed behind at the Sand Fortress to defend it as ordered. Kiel was frustrated at not having the opportunity to fight like Viola's brigade, but Rosch told him to save his strength for when he needed it. Just then, a soldier came in to tell us there were injured soldiers coming back...

Tuesday 13 March 2018

24 radiant historia - meeting field marshal viola at the sand fortress

Dear Readers,

The scene then shifted to Rosch and his brigade. They were getting ready to move out to the Sand Fortress. We showed up and caught up with them. I told Rosch that we needed to talk...

Monday 12 March 2018

Sunday 11 March 2018

22 radiant historia - heiss' agent

Dear Readers,

With our new mission from Raul, we set off as part of Rosch's brigade to the Judgement Cliffs through the Lazvil Hills.

Saturday 10 March 2018

21 radiant historia - a new mission and a taste of office politics

Dear Readers,

Kiel brought me to see Doctor Sonja. She thanked him and he got all flustered :) It was time for my check-up on the wounds I got before.

Friday 9 March 2018

20 radiant historia - count selvan and high colonel dias' dastardly plotting

Dear Readers,

I returned to Historia to speak with Lippti and Teo. This was just to continue the next chapter in this timeline as being part of Rosch's brigade. The scene then switched back to Queen Protea's throne room.

Thursday 8 March 2018

19 radiant historia - defeating the mine invaders and raynie's fear of cave-ins

Dear Readers,

Still looking for an opportunity for sword dancing, I continued this path with Rosch to face the enemy in the mine.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

18 radiant historia - searching in time for the master of sword dancing

Dear Readers,

Lippti and Teo asked me to consider Marco's sword dancing idea and going through Historia to learn it. I wasn't fond of the idea but they encouraged me.

Monday 5 March 2018

16 radiant historia - nasty bear traps in the sand fortress

Dear Readers,

After rescuing Tarquin, we continued on our way towards the Sand Fortress, through an area called Judgement Cliffs E.

Sunday 4 March 2018

15 radiant historia - changing history to save the merchant

Dear Readers,

The agent had some serious news for us. The Granorg troops had recaptured the Sand Fortress and were about to come through the mine as part of an all-scale attack.

Saturday 3 March 2018

14 radiant historia - a dude recognises me from the other timeline for some reason

Dear Readers,

I had two choices at this point: To wait in ambush for Selvan's troops or to send scouts to find the explosives merchant.

Friday 2 March 2018

13 radiant historia - returning to the alma mine as part of the brigade, meeting the enthusiastic rookie kiel

Dear Readers,

The scene switched to Raynie, Marco, myself and another new character. We were waiting for Rosch to come out of General Raul's office. Raynie and Marco were coming with me too. He came out to us.

Thursday 1 March 2018

12 radiant historia - going back in time to accept rosch's offer and witness the disturbing political rally

Dear Readers,

I went back in time to the big decision with Rosch and I told him I'd join his brigade. He was delighted to hear :) (honestly though I had no other way to progress right now but I'll stay quiet about that!)

Wednesday 28 February 2018

11 radiant historia - this game's wacky time travel rules for the sake of storytelling

Dear Readers,

We left town to meet the agent for information in Lazvil Hills. We waited for three hours and started getting impatient.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

10 radiant historia - parting ways with rosch for another special intelligence mission

Dear Readers,

There's something mysterious about Heiss you know? It's not just the White Chronicle thing, there's an unsettling air of "friend or foe?" about him. It's mysterious as I continue this path.

Monday 26 February 2018

9 radiant historia - rejecting rosch and apprehending vlad

Dear Readers,

I decided to stick with Heiss and turn down Rosch's offer. He was disappointed and it was a little heart-wrenching to do this, but he handled it well.

Sunday 25 February 2018

8 radiant historia - my first destiny altering decision

Dear Readers,

Rosch offered me a position in his brigade. If I took him up on it, that would mean I would have to leave Heiss and the Special Intelligence Division. All of a sudden, the White Chronicle started glowing again!

Friday 23 February 2018

6 radiant historia - heiss visits me in hospital

Dear Readers,

Heiss came to visit me in the hospital. He had praise for me and told me about the news in the war that was going on. We had made progress in taking back lands thanks to the intel from our spy. He also said Raynie and Marco will be joining me again on my next mission.

Thursday 22 February 2018

5 radiant historia - the beautiful long blonde haired princess eruca

Dear Readers,

The scene changed to Granorg Palace. Leaning on a railing was a beautiful Blonde Girl with long hair and blue eyes. A soldier addressed her as Princess Eruca...

Wednesday 21 February 2018

4 radiant historia - my first trip to historia and my first time travel trip

Dear Readers,

Lippti and Teo finally introduced themselves to me and revealed that they transported me to this place called Historia. Name dropping the title :)

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Monday 19 February 2018

Sunday 18 February 2018

Saturday 17 February 2018

9 monster hunter stories - the forbidden land and the end of the very long demo!

Dear Readers,

Dan went to investigate some of the Black Blight. I wasn't allowed to because it was in the Forbidden Land. However, my character wanted to prove himself to be a true Rider by going to solve the problem before Dan because maybe then Riders would be allowed to go adventuring further.

Friday 16 February 2018

8 monster hunter stories - chasing yian kut-ku back to its nest, unlocking fast travel

Dear Readers,

It turns out Yian Kut-Ku wasn't defeated but it had retreated to its lair, so we chased after it to its nest to fight again. This time it had an anime pulsating vein symbol on it, which meant that it was extra angry and vicious. It was also able to use the tackle attack again.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

6 monster hunter stories - fighting iodrome and saying goodbye to my friends

Dear Readers,

The next morning, back at the village, we were chatting with Lilia and Cheval about what happened the day before and about the Black Blight.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

5 monster hunter stories - trying out my new aptonoth and fighting the glutton arzuros

Dear Readers,

Dan gave me a quest to make 5 potions through combining Herbs and Blue Mushrooms. I had more than enough of the former, but only enough of the latter to make 3 potions. I went out to gather more.

My new Aptonoth has an ability to find and identify plants on the map with some weird sonar thing. That's pretty cool! :) Also very handy for this quest!

Monday 12 February 2018

4 monster hunter stories - easing back into the demo; fishing, bug catching and egg stealing

Dear Readers,

It's been nearly six months but I had to return to this demo! I want to delete it to make room for another demo, but I wasn't sure on whether or not I wanted the full game yet.

The next day Chief Omna rhymed congratulations to us and told us the Smithy and Merchant were now ready for our business. We met Lilia who congratulated us too and now we could do 1 star subquests.

Sunday 11 February 2018

5 dragon quest builders - demo part 5: exploring the rest of the island

Dear readers,

Since it was the end of the demo and plot development, I decided to explore the outside world as much as I could!

Saturday 10 February 2018

4 dragon quest builders - demo part 4: monsters attack the base!

Dear Readers,

Rollo told me that monsters were planning to attack our base! The game was kind enough to ask me if I was ready to be attacked so that was nice. I made some healing creams and got ready...

Friday 9 February 2018

3 dragon quest builders: demo part 3 - building a kitchen and some pots (instead of breaking them)

Dear Readers,

Pippa was working in the workshop and got hungry. She wanted to have lots of different kinds of food available, so she gave me blueprints for a kitchen!

Thursday 8 February 2018

Wednesday 7 February 2018

1 dragon quest builders - demo part 1: making a new home with the sassy pippa

Dear Readers,

This game is coming out in a few days so I thought I'd try out the demo! It was on PS4 but now it's on a Nintendo console where it belongs :)

Tuesday 6 February 2018

90 super mario odyssey - exploring and mingling in the mushroom kingdom

Dear Readers,

I decided to stay and explore the Mushroom Kingdom a little more and chat with everyone. I didn't stick around that long last time I was here.

Monday 5 February 2018

89 super mario odyssey - cashing in on a ton of toadette's achievements

Dear Readers,

I went to the Mushroom Kingdom to visit Toadette. I had a lot of cashing in to do since I saw her last time!

Sunday 4 February 2018

88 super mario odyssey - darker side complete! long journey's end... shut up, cappy!

Dear Readers,

Well, I got past the Pokio part! After that I had to face 2D Donkey Kong. At this point, both of my Joy-Cons were complaining about low battery.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Thursday 1 February 2018

2 lost sphear - getting to know my buddies, more attempts at the charming sherra boss fight

Dear Readers,

I'm trying out the demo again, but this time I'm taking more time to learn about various skills and items and stuff. I just ran around clumsily last time!

Wednesday 31 January 2018

1 lost sphear - an rpg with very soft music, trying out the demo

Dear Readers,

There's so much to do in Super Mario Odyssey that I've built up a bit of a backlog of Switch games! I decided to try out the demo for the RPG Lost Sphear.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

86 super mario odyssey - darker side part 2 or "why the heck can't mario climb a flight of steps with a normal jump for gosh sakes"

Dear Readers,

I had another go at the Darker Side with its increased difficulty. I gotta say it's nice to be welcomed by my in-game fans, the game's theme song and even the Cascade Kingdom theme was nice to return to! I guess when you get tired of the music it's a good time to stop playing the game too for a while and come back to it.

Monday 29 January 2018

85 super mario odyssey - the darker side of the moon challenge

Dear Readers,

I thought I'd try the Darker Side of the moon's challenge this time. I was here before and I met my adoring fans and Mayor Pauline's live performance, but I didn't take on the actual challenge. Now's the time!

Sunday 28 January 2018

84 super mario odyssey - the vanishing road of dark side, 703 power moons collected!

Dear Readers,

I was still on the Dark Side of the moon with its tough remix challenges of previous bonus levels. This time I went to the scarecrow door on the northeast part of the island. This lead to New Donk City at night and it was pretty hard.

Saturday 27 January 2018

83 super mario odyssey - i'm not allowed to play as a tank anymore. i have to play as yoshi instead :(

Dear Readers,

Still on the Dark Side of the Moon taking pictures, I dropped to the platform underneath the binoculars, which had a hatless scarecrow challenge and a chimney challenge.

Friday 26 January 2018

82 super mario odyssey - keeping yoshi alive by eating fruit and not burning to death

Dear Readers,

There's a lot more to the Dark Side than the Broodal boss rush! When I defeated them, the place opened up with more stuff to do, more pictures to snap, doorways opened up to new sections and some more Toad explorers arrived.

Thursday 25 January 2018

81 super mario odyssey - broodal boss rush complete!

Dear Readers,

I got rusty again and died on all of the Broodals again at some point or other but I like to think I've sussed them all at this stage!

Wednesday 24 January 2018

80 super mario odyssey - rango defeated! broodal boss rush complete! or is it?

Dear Readers,

I learned that Topper can be stomped when he drops his hat stack to spin around! This helps save a lot of time and hassle! Bit risky though if I stomp too late and he gets back up.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

79 super mario odyssey - broodal boss rush progress: 1 hit on rango. sussing patterns to beat the rest quickly

Dear Readers,

This is my third post in a row talking about the Broodal boss rush at the Dark Side of the moon. I'm glad I learned their names, though it bothers me a little bit that Hariet's name is spelled with only one r.

Sunday 21 January 2018

77 super mario odyssey - i got my butt kicked by boss rush broodals. then i learned their names!

Dear Readers,

I decided to go back to the Dark Side of the moon. I didn't make any progress here last time. I still think it's kinda weird how the rabbits there don't speak. They look like villager NPCs.

Friday 19 January 2018

Thursday 18 January 2018

Wednesday 17 January 2018

73 super mario odyssey - my moon trace walking score: 90 points

Dear Readers,

I took the moon exploration beyond the first island. Can't bring space doggo buddy with me unfortunately.

Monday 15 January 2018

Saturday 13 January 2018

69 super mario odyssey - nice touristy showdown arena

Dear Readers,

The Showdown Arena looked a lot different now that I had chased the Broodals away. It's like a nice touristy plaza now!

Tuesday 9 January 2018

65 super mario odyssey - poking around bowser's kingdom for more power moons

Dear Readers,

I returned to Bowser's Kingdom. I had a little trouble finding the moon rock. I eventually found it near the Main Courtyard checkpoint.

Saturday 6 January 2018

Friday 5 January 2018

61 super mario odyssey - mount volbono's peak advantage

Dear Readers,

Climbing to the top of the peak at Mount Volbono opened up some more possibilities to collect Power Moons, including another rendezvous with Captain Toad!

Thursday 4 January 2018

60 super mario odyssey - luncheon kingdom master cup record: 00:47.20

Dear Readers,

No more food festivals. Just tough platforming action and more Koopa races. All while trying not to get cooked in the lava myself.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Tuesday 2 January 2018

58 super mario odyssey - peaceful lava bubble swimming

Dear Readers,

Now that I brought peace to the Luncheon Kingdom they were having a festival. I explored around first to collect some new Power Moons though. I don't remember all the fun cannons from the first time I was here!